  • 學位論文


Development of Supplier Selection Procedure-A Case of Electronic Product Manufacture

指導教授 : 王明展


本論文主要是探討選擇供應商的相關評核項目,打破過去完全以顧客的角度來設計供應商的評核項目,透過此論文的研究試圖以供應商的角度來提供各多元化的稽核內容,使其能更深入供應商的實際作業流程,展現具公信力的供應商管理稽核流程,是此論文的研究目的。 論文中以 NB 電子產品的供應商為研究的對象,研究方法以專家問卷為主的德爾菲法則及層級分析法來整理出適當的供應商稽核項目,其中並將稽核項目歸納為六大主要項目,分別為品質、成本、交期、社會責任、服務、財務再往下展開以求其供應商的稽核項目能擴展至實際工廠運作的模式而非紙上談兵。 經研究方法所獲得的結論,將歸納成一份制式的供應商稽核表格,應用於目前的工作領域,為公司選擇最適當的供應商夥伴,協助公司創造最大的利潤及效益,也期盼作為火車頭展開至各供應商重視及維護供應商的品質、成本、交期使業界中朗朗上口的 Q、C、D得以充分落實。


This thesis discusses the audit tasks of selection of suppliers. The goal of this thesis is to break the past fully-customer-based supplier audit task, and to provide a wider variety of audit program based on supplier’s perspective. It thus more close to supplier’s actual working process, and demonstrate a credible supplier audit process. The study object is notebook electrical components’ supplier, and the research methodology is based on questionnaires of Delphi Method and stratification analysis to sort out the appropriate supplier audit program. The program is generalized into six main topics, including quality, cost, delivery, social responsibility, service, and finance, and then expected to expand the supplier audit program to match actual plant operation. The conclusion of reach methods will be complied as a supplier audit standard form used to select the best supplier partners, and maximize profits and efficiency for company. It’s also looking forward to leading suppliers to enhance and maintenance the quality, cost and delivery, to fully implemented the industry’s Q, C, D slogans.


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