  • 學位論文


Floodings and landslides simulation based on continuum shallow water equation - Jinshan and Shiaolin village as example

指導教授 : 張國楨 郭志禹


1867年12月18日,疑似金山斷層活動造成金山地區遭受海嘯侵襲,造成數百人傷亡。本研究利用金山地區高精度數值地形模型及其新近斷層線判識結果,建構金山斷層活動後之數值地形模型,配合流體力學軟體,模擬金山斷層活動後,海水對於沿海地區之影響;研究結果顯示,若金山斷層再次活動,經過2分鐘後,海水便會由河道漫淹至道路,20分鐘便將低於海平面之區域全部淹沒,沿磺溪下游至出海口之周圍較低漥區域,皆因為金山斷層再次活動後,而被淹沒。   近年來氣候變遷異常,氣候極端現象頻頻發生,2009年莫拉克颱風即在阿里山降下123 ( mm / hr ) 之時雨量,未來,各個區域皆有可能面臨超大降雨,因此本研究模擬在金山地區降下暴雨,以探討暴雨對於北磺溪流域下游地區之影響,由模擬結果顯示,河道過窄以及河道阻力過大皆是造成河道溢流漫淹之主要原因。  2009年,莫拉克颱風帶來之豪雨使得小林村後方獻度山土石崩落,造成小林村約400人遭活埋。本研究利用小林村災前、災後之數值地形模型及流體力學軟體,重現獻度山之崩落歷程,並與實際之地磁量測及地震訊號相互比對;研究結果顯示,崩塌後約50秒,土石便沖進小林村,北端村莊受到土石衝擊,從土石開始崩落至堆積,發生時間始末約2分鐘,平均崩落速度約為每秒50公尺。


On the 18th, December, 1867, it is suspected that, due to the Jinshan faulting, a tsunami attacked the Jinshan district, and hundreds of people were drowned. Recent studies indicate that the fault may reactivate again. Therefore, we construct a digital terrain model (DTM) with a projected after Jinshan normal faulting to estimate the possible environment impacts. By means of the continuum shallow water model, the inundation assessment and dynamic effects around coastal areas are analyzed. It is found that, within 20 minutes after the normal faulting, the regions below the sea level are totally inundated. Extreme weather conditions are witnessed occurring more frequently is recent years. In 2009, the Morakot typhoon brought rainfall intensity about 123 mm/hr in Alishan area. Such rainfalls are possible to happen in other areas if the climate situation worsens, we use the Morakot rainfall in the Jinshan area to investigate by simulation, the influence of the width influx to the downstream of the North Huangsi. The results show that the narrow channel and the basal drag are the main causes of the flooding. In 2009, typhoon Morakot brought torrential rains and triggered numerous landslides. Caused by the mountain collapse and the subsequent debris flow in the Xiandu hill, 474 people were buried in the Shiaolin village. In this study, we use two DTMs before and after the disaster, and the continuum model to reproduce the process of the landslide. The sliding velocity, the flow direction and the caused impact are discussed accordingly. The results show that 50 second after the landslide is initiated, the Xiandu hill debris-flow impacts on the northern half parts of the Shiaolin village, at a sliding velocity about 20 m/s . Buildings are washed away in the next few second. The whole incident lasts about 2 minutes. It is found to agree with seismic records and the field geophysical investigations.


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