  • 學位論文


A study of Access Control Management Plan in Construction Engineering

指導教授 : 林利國


近年來我國推動降災中程計畫及全國職場233減災方案等減災策略,有效促使全產業職災死亡百萬人率下降55%,職災失能百萬人率下降42%,減災具顯著績效。然而全國行業職災死亡千人率,營造業仍居於其他行業之首,不僅國內勞工生命安全造成傷害,對於經濟上的負擔也是不容小覷,每年經濟損失高達470億元以上。造成此現象係由於營造業工程種類多、分工項目細、施工廠商往往再將工程分包,形成多次承攬之特殊經營型態,勞工安全衛生法規定承攬人就承攬部分負雇主之安全衛生責任,對於統合性有高度需求之工地而言,承攬性高不利於分工,但層層轉包責任轉嫁不利於安全衛生管理機制。國內學者近來因重視工地意外事故之防範問題,紛紛提出不同的改善措施,例如:營造施工安全動態風險管理資訊系統、營造作業安全檢查管理資訊系統等,增進管理決策階層對工地安全的判斷並增進安全管理的效率;其中尚未針對不安全的營建機具、限制未做好職前災害教育訓練之施工人員進入工地現場管制等情形加以著墨。 本研究透過資料蒐集與現況調查等方式,瞭解目前工地於門禁管理模式,研擬專家德爾菲問卷與普查問卷,討論工地現場門禁管理不確實之常見缺失,並透過專家間討論與修正,擬定關鍵影響因素。根據普查問卷調查之結果,現今營造施工現場於門禁管理皆具有初略的管理樣態,門禁管理機制採取e化系統輔助執行之案例僅占25%。本研究並針對國內門禁管理缺失,研擬建構一套良善的工地門禁管理方式,並透過系統自動統計出工數、工時與工程人員統計施作數量,經門禁管理系統自動換算為進度參考之數值,提供決策階層參考之依據。


In recent years our country to promote disaster reduction 233 medium-range plans and mitigation programs such as the National job field Strategy for Disaster Reduction. Contribute effectively to the whole industry, occupational accident rate decreased by 55% Millions of people, millions of people occupational disability rate has dropped 42%, a significant performance reduction. However, thousands of national industry rate of occupational deaths, still living in other industries and create industry first, the safety of not only hurt domestic labor, but also for the economic burden should not be underestimated, annual economic losses of up to 47 billion. Cause of this phenomenon because of the engineering department are many kinds of fine division of the project, construction companies often then subcontract, the formation of the special operations several types of contract, the contractor Labor Safety and Health Act provides the employer to contract some of the negative health and safety responsibilities , For the integration of a high demand for the site, the contract division of high benefit, but the layers of subcontractors to shift the responsibility is not conducive to safety and health management. Recent attention to domestic scholars as the prevention of construction site accidents, put forward various improvement measures, such as: Safety Inspection Management Information System in Construction, and Construction Safety Management Information System, enhancing the safety of the senior management to determine and enhance site safety management Efficiency; which no construction equipment for the safe limit is not well pre-disaster education and training of construction workers into the construction site control, etc. to explain the situation. In this study, the current situation through data collection and surveys, to understand the current site as access control management, develop expert Delphi survey and census questionnaires, discussions at the site of the common access management is not really missing, and through discussions among experts and revision, development of key factor. According to the results of the census survey, the current access control to create a construction site in a little early with all kind of state management, access management mechanism to assist the implementation of e-case system only 25%. In this study, and lack of access control for domestic, construction of a good and develop the site access management, and statistics and labor through the system automatically the number of working hours and the number of facilities for engineering personnel statistics, the access control system automatically translated into the progress of Reference the value of providing a basis for decision-making level reference.


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