  • 學位論文


Establishment of Schedule Review Criteria for Construction Project

指導教授 : 楊智斌




A well-planned schedule by the contractor is very important for a construction project because that schedule is the basis of project success in its design and construction stages and would usually be a baseline schedule, if it is proved by the owner, used in schedule-related disputes. However, the scheduling capability of contractors in Taiwan is diversified and the client usually uses certain general review criteria to evaluate the schedule submit by the contractor. Namely, the quality of schedule prepared by the contractor is not good and there is no clear and appropriate schedule review criteria used by the client. Occasionally, the reviewer in the client commonly uses his/her experience to perform necessary schedule review and even pass the duty to the construction inspector. This situation commonly results in that there are some errors or appropriate outcomes in a proved baseline schedule. This study collects available review mechanism and procedures in professional engineering entities in Taiwan as well as some outcomes from previous studies to analyze suitable review items in Taiwan. For solving the problem of available schedule review criteria being uncompleted, this study establishes a baseline schedule review principle that contains 29 review criteria consisting of required and optional criteria. For each criterion, detailed review items and related review methods are provided. Based on real cases examination and expert interview, the outcomes of this study can be used to assist schedule reviewers to perform necessary review works. Hopefully the study results can improve the quality of schedule development and review, and increase the performance of schedule management in the future.


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