  • 學位論文


A Research on the Effect on Local area from Taichun High Speed Railway Station and Special Rezoned District

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


台灣高速鐵路系統於民國96年通車,縮短台灣島內南來北往的交通時間,實現西部地區一日生活圈,依據交通場站設施對都市之影響,以及日本、法國及德國之經驗,高鐵車站所在地改變了其鄰近地區的空間型態與人口分布。我國政府相關單位也期望藉由高速鐵路興建的機會,積極掌握各個高速鐵路車站特定區與鄰近土地並擬定整體的開發計畫。本研究企圖藉由高鐵台中車站特定區的開發現況,探討政府以劃設高鐵台中車站特定區,並以區段徵收方式開發,能否引入人口進駐,且帶動高鐵臺中車站與鄰近地區土地的利用發展。 本研究以高鐵台中站為中心,以人口和房地交易價格等主計資料為基礎,輔以現地踏勘、訪問周邊居民等方式,試圖了解在高鐵通車後對於鄰近地區所產生的影響。綜合分析比較後發現,高鐵營運前後對鄰近地區人口、土地利用及不動產市場發展均有影響;人口方面以臺中市南區及南屯區影響較顯著,土地利用方面,高鐵設置後改善地方交通系統機能;並增進高鐵特定區與烏日舊市區及臺中市南區等市中心之連結;不動產市場方面仍因高鐵之相關土地開發議題效應持續擴張,惟成長幅度因台中都會中心之發展有所限制。


Taiwan High Speed Rail is available to public since 1996, which is an important transportation evolution to Taiwan. By this infrastructure, government also wishes to take this opportunity to develop the adjacent areas to the train stations. In this study, we take High Speed Rail Taichung Station as the center, population and price information of real estate as calculation base, supplemented by on-site observation, and interviews with resident to gain more insight. This research intends to find the impact of high speed train specific area to local population, and hence elevate the land development of the neighboring area. By comprehensive analysis and comparison, this study finds that there does exist a difference in the population, land development and real estate. Demographically, the southern and Nantun District in Taichung City have shown significant impact. In the land-use aspect, ever since the construction of high-speed rail, the local traffic system was also developed to improve transportation performance; and hence promoted the connection between high-speed rail specific area, Wurih, and Taichung City. The real estate markets are still under heating by relative land development issues, but somehow limited by the growing of the center of Taichung metropolitan area.


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