  • 學位論文


The Redevelopment Issues and Strategies of Traditional Retail Market-A case study of No. 2 Public Market in Taichung City

指導教授 : 宋立垚


台灣的傳統零售市場,習慣稱它為「菜市場」或「市仔」,鄉土味的稱呼顯得親切,攤商和顧客之間因為買賣而衍生出朋友的交情,市場不單是一個購物的地點,也是一個傳遞訊息的場所、人與人之間緊密結合的情感網絡。隨著都市環境變遷、都市化的生活快速發展以及新式商場的大量興起,改變了民眾的生活習慣和採購習性,購物管道不再侷限於傳統零售市場的供應,多元化的選擇正衝擊著傳統零售市場。除此之外,早期設置的傳統市場建物老舊、座落地點街道狹窄、停車空間不足讓許多顧客望而卻步;加上傳統零售市場的營業時間無法配合消費者的生活習慣等因素,在面對超市、賣場及黃昏市場的競爭下,傳統市場難以維持優勢使得其發展漸趨式微。 有鑑於此,本研究以台中市公有第二傳統市場為例,蒐集相關文獻、理論和法規資料,透過現況調查並輔以問卷和訪談瞭解其情形,運用SWOT分析研擬第二市場之課題並提出適用之再發展策略。結果發現第二市場仍是附近地區消費者主要消費場所,顯示其經營環境具有較佳的發展潛力,保有優勢並實行具體策略,為第二市場創造永續經營的新契機。本研究建議善用市場閒置空間以增加市場多元的功能性,並可藉此延長消費時間;以公共交通運輸系統規劃商圈接駁專車,解決人潮擁擠及交通不便的問題,同時建立台中市第二市場觀光網絡,發展購物休閒新市集;強化市場意象結合社區資源,擬定有效地行銷策略並建構符合現代需求之經營模式,使台中第二市場得以永續經營。


The traditional retail market in Taiwan is used to be called“Tsai Shr Chang (Food Market)”or“Chi-A”. The friendly native appellation, the friendship arising from transaction between vendors and customers, market is not just a shopping place, but a site for information conveyance and also the close emotion network between people. Urban environmental change, rapid development of urbanized life and emerging of considerable modern market have changed the lifestyle and buying habits of people. Traditional retail market is not the only shopping channel anymore which is impacted by diversified choices. In addition, the old traditional market constructions located in narrow streets without enough parking spaces make many customers shrink back at the sight. Moreover, the business hours of traditional retail market cannot agree with the lifestyle of consumers. Due to such factors besides the competition from supermarket, mall and nightfall market, it is difficult for traditional market to maintain advantage and its development gradually declines. In terms of this, the study took the No.2 Public Market in Taichung City as example, collected relevant documents, theories and regulations, found out the current situation through status survey along with questionnaires and interviews, researched issues of the No.2 Public Market by SWOT analysis as well as proposed appropriate strategies for its redevelopment. It is found that the No.2 Public Market is still the main shopping location for residents in the vicinity revealing the business environment has better development potential and advantages. Furthermore, concrete strategies can create a new turning point for sustainable operation of the Market. This study suggests making use of the unused spaces to maximize the functions of the market and prolong the shopping time, planning shuttle bus to the business district under the current public transportation system to solve the problem of crowded people and inconvenient transportation. It is also proposed to establish the tourism network for the No.2 Market of Taichung City to develop a new shopping and recreation market, strengthen the market image in combination with community resource, plan effective marketing strategies and construct a business operation model which meets the modern demands for sustainable operation of the Market.


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