  • 學位論文


Study of Key Success Technology For Taiwan in Developing Mobile TV Service

指導教授 : 林丁丙 林信標


隨著科技發展,電視服務結合行動通信系統構成雙向之新興多媒體應用服務,已逐漸成為全球推行趨勢,為了有效頻譜資源應用,各類以廣播型態為主之行動電視技術標準不斷推陳出新,其效果可以預期未來將可為人類繼語音、數據等服務後,帶來嶄新與多樣化之創新服務。 本論文將探討各類行動電視技術標準及現有通訊傳播平台,推論適合之我國發展之技術標準與加值應用服務可行性,同時參考國外開放國家經營模式與開放情形,探索我國通訊傳播產業發展現況,在數位匯流發展趨勢下,提出相關研究結果與建議,作為我國未來推動服務發展之參考。


As the development of technology, to integrate TV with mobile telecommunciation systems for providing bidirection multimedia broadcasting service has becomed new emerging trends in the world. For effective usages of spectrum resources, much more technology standards for mobile TV services have been expected to provide bland new and creactive services after voice and data type services. In this thesis, we will treat each kind of technology for mobile TV and the existed service lauched by government to infer suitable technologies and possible value-added services. At the same time,we will dissus new business model and analyzed the development of communication business of Taiwan. With those investigation ,this thesis will advance suggestions of key componets for promoting mobile TV services under the digital convergence trend.


Digital TV Mobile TV Digital Convergence Business Model IPTV


, Digital Broadcasting Experts Group (DiBEG)
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