  • 學位論文


The Study of Ecological Engineering on Highway Bank Reconstruct

指導教授 : 王隆昌


山區道路之開闢日漸普及,但相對地發生邊坡坍滑的情形也屢見不鮮,顯見以往慣用的傳統工法已無法滿足現今道路邊坡整治的需求。生態工法為近年廣受提倡及重視之工程觀念,除了符合安全的需求外,亦能維持自然生態平衡與環境保育的永續經營。惟其施工方式繁多,目前仍缺乏較為合理化之評選方式,使得道路邊坡整治方案未能較有系統地針對各類環境、人為因素加以考量,故本研究將研擬一計量化之分析評選模式,以提升道路邊坡工法之決策品質。 本研究主要針對生態工法理念在公路邊坡整治之實務應用進行探討,首先蒐集分析近年公路邊坡採生態工法進行整治之成功與失敗案例,探討其工法之適宜性。其後利用戴爾菲層級分析模式,對一公路邊坡整治案例進行數個生態工法方案之評選及排序,以選擇出最適生態工法方案;再經由敏感度分析來確認方案排序之穩定性,以評估最適方案的可行性;最後並透過實際施工情形,驗證所選擇之最適工法施工成效。研究成果顯示,公路邊坡整治需因地制宜,衡量其崩塌環境之限制,採用不同工法相互搭配,以達傳統工法與生態工法相輔相成之效。


It has become more and more common to open up roads in mountains, conversely, landslides accompanying such actions occur more often as well. It is obvious that traditional engineering methods can not satisfy the needs for modern highway bank reconstruction. Ecology engineering (EE) has been widely suggested and valued because of its concepts. Not only does it cohere with roadwork requirements, it also preserves ecological balance and natural resources. However, there are numerous reconstructional methods, and no rational means of selecting those that take into consideration natural and artificial factors systematically have been established. Thus, this research develops a quantified judging model that improves the capability to choose the best reconstructional methods. This research discusses and analyzes the practical application of highway bank reconstruction methods in terms of EE concepts. Firstly, recent successful and failing cases which EE methods were employed were collected and examined. In order to investigate their adequacy, DAHP was then used to select and arrange the most proper reconstruction method. Furthermore, Sensitivity Analysis was utilized tochoose the most applicable method. Finally, the adequacy of the method was confirmed by practical reconstructions. Results showed that highway bank reconstructional method choices depend heavily on the environment and should be selected accordingly; the restrictions in collapsing environments should also be examined carefully. In conclusion, different reconstructional methods should be employed togetherto achieve the greatest effect from both ecological engineering and traditional reconstructional methods.


Highway Bank Ecological Engineering DAHP




