  • 學位論文


An analysis of innovation and effect: A case study of 3M Taiwan

指導教授 : 耿慶瑞


一般來說,對於一個具有創新能力的企業組織應該具備有無限創造力,所以在追求創新的同時,組織的領導者與經營管理階層就必須具有對創新的堅持及認真地領導整個創新團隊的發展,如此才能撼動整個企業,使創新的神經系統活絡起來。在全球競爭的壓力下,企業如何能取得更新的知識與技術成為致勝的重要關鍵。 從長遠來看,企業創造價值的關鍵在於創新,一個公司想盡辦法減少開支或模仿別人的發明,都無法真正在商業上取得成功,只有創新才能贏得最廣泛的消費群支持,才能獲得最大的利潤。本研究乃以供應鏈、產品與技術等創新類型,探究其影響創新之因素與組織績效之探究。 本研究最主要是探討創新的因素有市場導向、組織文化與技術能力及創新影響的組織績效包含在財務績效、新產品成功率、顧客滿意度與員工滿意度等組織績效之探究。時代進步使得資訊傳遞快速,科技革新的速度也跟著加快,企業可透過不斷的組織創新來提升企業的組織績效,因此組織創新便成為未來企業的關鍵成功因素。本研究經由過去文獻探討,建立研究架構後對任職於3M台灣各事業群資深經理人做深入訪談,受訪者對於創新對組織績效之影響,都表達正面積極的觀點,3M公司是一個不停追求創新及突破的企業組織,並鼓勵同仁的想像力無遠佛界自由翱翔,3M特有的創新文化,使內部組織永遠充斥一股追求創新的氣象。


創新 績效


Ideally, an innovative organization would have an renewable, infinite amount of creative energy. To strive to this ideal, management has an important role to create an environment where innovation can thrive. Top management must reward innovation. It must insist that the organization measures success, in part, by the innovative nature of its solutions. This is important in a global world with global competition. Companies that can make new knowledge, technology and business model will continue to lead the way to develop new value. By developing this value, the business can avoid commodity status. In the long term, the key factor is to make a decision to succeed by innovation. There is much pressure to focus on cost reduction, fast following of competitors and operational excellence. There are few examples where an operational, cost savings approach actually creates new value in the market. Only by innovating can a company win most extensive customer support, leading to sales and the largest profit for a given business. This research compares three types of innovation; innovation in the supply chain, innovation for new products and innovation by new technology. Factors that influence the choice innovation, and the success of that innovation, are probed. Through this study, we identify the factors that influence this case company to innovate is market orientation, organization culture, technological ability focus on operational and financial performance, new product success rate, customer and staff alignment to probe into for better performance. Fast and clear communication and information transmission enables innovation. The speed of improvements in science and technology accelerate innovation. Enterprises can improve the performance of the enterprise through constant organizational innovation. Organizational innovation becomes the successful factors of successful enterprises in the future. This case study is an analysis of innovation and the effect on 3M Taiwan. I will interview deeply with 3M senior managers to explore the full result of innovation.


Innovation Performance


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