  • 學位論文


Assistive Device for Getting-up from Bed

指導教授 : 黃子坤


全球已邁入高齡化社會,即65歲以上人口超過7%。而台灣65歲以上人口有37%為健康良好,59%為健康不佳但可獨立生活(胡名霞,1998)。根據恩主公醫院(2011)的統計,床邊移位跌倒占老人跌倒全體比例中的63.1%。因為高齡者骨骼、關節、肌肉系統的退化,造成活動能力的下降,導致臥床起身時不便。高齡者當臥床起身改變姿位時,會因身體重心改變造成非意願性姿勢失去平衡,引起短暫性血壓降低而暈眩等症狀,嚴重時會導致身體失去平衡而跌倒。因此,輔助高齡者順利完成臥床起身的活動,將可降低傷害的發生。 第一階段以65歲以上一級老化的健康老人進行「高齡者起身觀察與訪談」,探討起身操作問題。第二階段分析「現有床邊輔助產品」探討設置空間與輔助方式。第三階段進行「概念發展與測試」,提出適宜的支撐與施力的輔助。設計輔助措施分為:(1) 床上側臥起身的輔助(支撐墊輔助、床邊扶手輔助),(2)床上坐姿至立姿的輔助(床邊扶手輔助、固定式扶手輔助、座台輔助)。第四階段以「臥床起身輔助裝置」的設計原型(prototype),經由高齡者試驗,驗證其有效性(effectiveness)。 試驗顯示,床上側臥起身任務中,支撐墊輔助與床邊輔助扶手同時使用,可產生最加的效益。能讓力量平均分攤及操作時更穩定順暢,達到省力起身的功效。另外,床上坐姿變換為立姿的任務中,輔助效益最大的是座台輔助,藉雙手抓握握柄,讓起身過程能維持平衡。


高齡者 臥床起身 輔具


The world has become an aging society, indicating over 7% of the people are beyond 65 years old. Among the population beyond 65 years old in Taiwan 37% is healthy, while 59% unhealthy but can live independently (Ming-Hsia Hu, 1998). According to statistics of En Chu Kong Hospital (2011), bedside move shares 63.1% of elderly fall. Deterioration in skeleton, joint, and muscular systems cause elderly’s degeneration in mobility which lead to difficulty in getting up from lying in bed. Elderly getting up from the bed used to make unwilling posture as to lose the sense of balance, which causes transient low blood pressure and symptoms such as dizziness etc. Serious condition of such symptoms may cause the body to lose balance and falling down. Therefore, assisting elderly to successfully getting up from lying in bed will reduce occurrence of injury. The first stage covers elderly’s operation of getting up by performing “Observation and Interview for Elderly’s Getting up” for healthy first-grade aging elderly over 65 years old. The second stage analyzes spatial configuration and aiding modes of “existing bedside aiding products.” In the third stage, “concept development and test” are performed, and then aids through support and force application are proposed. Measures of design aids include: (1) aid for getting up from lateral decubitus in bed (aid with support pad and bedside armrest); (2) aid for changing from sitting posture in bed to standing (aids with bedside armrest, fixed armrest, and platform). The fourth stage makes elderly to test and verify effectiveness of design prototype of the“ aid device for getting up from lying in bed.” Result of the experiment shows that using both support pad and bedside armrest as aids simultaneously generates the best efficacy in the task of getting up from lateral decubitus. This two aids equally share the force thus make the operation more steady and smooth, which saves effort for getting up. Besides, in the task changing posture from sitting in bed to standing, the platform aid exerts the best efficacy. Balance of getting up is maintained when both hands grasping the handles.





