  • 學位論文


Maintenance Management Cost Analysis of Intellgence Buildings

指導教授 : 林利國 林榮禾


隨著科技進步,為了讓人類生活更為舒適便利,「智慧型建築」(Intelligence Building;簡稱為IB)是建築發展的必然趨勢。智慧型建築的設施設備日趨高性能、大型化、自動化與資訊化,若以生命週期成本(Life Cycle Cost;簡稱為LCC)的觀點來看可得知營運維護階段約佔了整個生命週期將近85%,由此可顯示出營運維護管理成本之重要性;然而目前國內在智慧型建築維護成本等相關議題的研究數量仍然極為有限,且現有之研究大多是著重在維護技術以及檢點方式的探討,較少針對維護管理策略提出建議,因此本研究著重在目前智慧型建築的營運維護階段中有關維護項目的現況調查,以探討並分析各案例之設施與設備之管理方式與修繕成本情況,以期能提供爾後智慧型建築相關維護管理單位之維護決策參考。 本研究將國內兩使用性質相似,量體規模相仿,亦同時皆通過內政部建築研究所評選之「智慧型建築自動化優良案例」之實例,經本研究將維護成本資料統整分析後得知,由於兩案例公司規模與營運方針不同,故在各設施設備之建置成本與維護成本排序並不盡相同,而若從「維護成本/建置成本比例排序」來探討,案例一之重點維護設備排序為:安全設備、昇降設備、空調設備及衛生設備;案例二之重點維護設備排序則為:衛生設備、空調設備、昇降設備以及安全設備。 此外,本研究針對國內智慧型建築之維護管理現況做調查及訪談後,發現國內智慧型建築於維護管理工作中有關設備之維護成本存在若干項之缺失,其中包括無針對維護成本預算編列之策略、只有定期維護之預算規劃及維護管理工作績效不彰等;故本研究乃再針對智慧型建築維護管理機制進行初步研擬,並透過專家深入訪談方式加以修改與補充,進而研訂出一套智慧型建築維護管理策略雛型,透過本研究所擬定之機制,維護管理單位對於智慧型建築維護計畫之人員與成本配置方案即能有更妥善的規劃。


In order to raising comfort and convenience of human life, "Intelligence Building" (Intelligence Building; usually abbreviated to IB) is the inevitable trend of building development. And facilities of IB are increased in high-performance, large-size, automation and information-based. Taking the point of life cycle cost (Life Cycle Cost; usually abbreviated to LCC), we know that maintenance phase is about 85% of time in the entire life cycle. Because there is difference in function and purpose, the expenditure of each maintenance cost is not the same. Also the entries of maintenance cost are too complex to cause the resources of maintenance cost not equally allotted. Budget shortage and budget allotted improper results from lack of maintenance reference. Lapses cause by above-mentioned problems such as incorrect follow-up maintenance budget determination. The number of related researches is still restricted. Present ones mostly concerned to technology and examination, and less to maintenance and management strategy. In this research we will focus on the operation and maintenance phase of IB. Through analyzing management and repair cost of facilities case by case can be referred to decide maintenance and management strategy of IB. Human factors effects the result of IB, and the lack of fine management operating procedures results in poor efficiency. In this research we focus on preliminary of "intelligent Building Maintenance and Management Cost". By depth interviewing with experts, we adjust and add contents of this research. We develop an optimization strategy for IB maintenance and management strategy. First we compile information of qmtfacilities of IB, and according to "Intelligence Building Mark", classify these facilities into a list. By choosing different s4ect of this list, we can determine proper customized allotment of human resources, costs and organization.


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