  • 學位論文


A study of the Management Mechanism of Electricity Power Using at Construction job-sites

指導教授 : 林利國


台灣地狹人稠且天然資源匱乏,能源大多須仰賴進口,故如何降低能源進口依賴及節省能源消耗,必然成為當今重要的研究課題之一,雖然營造業並非最耗能的產業,但如何在營建工程施工過程中奉行節能的具體作為,亦為所有工程人員所應努力的方向;因此除了推廣「綠營建」之外,亦應再針對營建施工過程中如何節能加以研議與規範,始能呼應節能減碳以及保護地球環境的目標。 現今的營建業由於在施工臨時用電費用,大約佔總營造成本百分之一至百分之零點五之間,加上大多數的營造廠並無專責管理單位及人員負責設計、規劃,以及現場施工並無一套合宜的管理機制所致,故本研究係針對建築施工用電,從電力技術、法規面至臨時施工用電調查、規劃、施工及供電架構等面向探討,進而研擬一套臨時施工用電管理機制。 依據本研究針對完整實際之建築案例分析後,據此建議訂定用電均價及契約容量控制值做為施工用電績效指標,當施工用電均價若控制於5.0至6.0元/度則屬控制良好;而當超過6.0元/度之均價時則表示用電管理不佳,須即刻加以提出檢討。另由訂定之契約容量與實際需量超出訂定契約容量±20%時之警戒線,此作法主要目的為避免超約罰款及溢繳電費,以達到降低施工用電成本,此一管理基準可供業界做為業務取得後估算施工電費,以及施工階段之管理參考。


Taiwan is a nation of dense population and lack of natural resources, most resources of energy will need to import from other countries, so how to reduce the dependence of energy import or using consumption is inevitably becoming one of the important research issues. Although the construction industry is not the most energy-intensive industry, pursuing an efficiency process of energy using within every construction project is an important topic. Therefore, in addition to the promotion of "green construction", engineers should work for energy-saving construction process to be deliberated and followed. Based on that, construction industry can echo the goal of energy- saving and carbon emission reducing and protect the global environment. Up to today, the electricity cost of each construction project is about one percent to 0.5 percent with the total construction cost. Most construction companies have no appropriate management unit and responsible personnel to work for the design and planning activities of electricity power using at construction job-sites. Meanwhile there is no desirable management mechanism for engineers can be followed. This study is focusing in the temporary electricity power using of construction industry. From analysis of the power technology, regulations, construction electricity survey, planning, construction and supply structure, this research will develop a prototype of temporary construction power management mechanism. According to the analysis result of this study with the collected actual construction project, this study recommend to set both average price and contractual capacity control value of construction electricity as performance indicators. When the average price of electricity is between 5.0 to 6.0 NTD / KWH, the performance is in well condition; once the average price exceeds 6.0 NTD / KWH which is meaning that the performance is in poor condition. Another limitation data of contract capacity and actual demand is controlling the contract capacity within ± 20% region, the main purpose of this limitation is to avoid over contract capacity with a penalty and overpaid electricity fee. Based on this studying result, the consumption of electricity power using can be reduced and the management criteria can be applied for reference.


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