  • 學位論文


A Study On The Mechanism Of Construction Safety Management With Highway Long Tunnel-Based On Practice Construction Of Hsuehshan tunnel In Pei-I Expressway Of No.5 National Highway Construction

指導教授 : 林利國


臺灣地區因位處於歐亞大陸板塊及菲律賓海板塊衝撞帶,而也由於此二板塊相互衝撞擠壓造成台灣全島高山峻谷多、平原丘陵少,再加上海島型沉積地質之構造複雜、變化劇烈且中央山脈突出高聳,造成西部地區多平原丘陵地,且坡度較緩,而東部地區則是山高峻谷多且坡度較陡峭,致使人口及經濟活動乃至交通建設大多集中於西部平原,而東部則急待開發。近年來,政府為均衡東、西部之平衡發展,乃規劃加速東部開發,以縮短城鄉差距。而為因應經濟發展與平衡差距之需要,自然需要積極推動交通工程之基礎建設,故無可避免的要穿越山區以進行隧道開挖工程,也因此使得隧道工程之比例、數量及規模在國內近年來的公路建設中日漸增加。 儘管目前土木工程中的隧道開挖技術及施工機具設備越來越精進,然而在施工過程中,由於山丘地質的構造複雜,再加上不確定的施工危害因子及致災潛勢(Potential hazard)眾多,故仍經常發生施工意外事件,進而造成工安事故災害及人員傷亡之悲劇。有鑑於此,本研究乃將以現正積極趕工中的國道5號北宜高速公路之坪林-頭城段雪山隧道施工過程中所發生之重大工安事件為例,進而探討有效的災害防制對策,以期能有效降低公路隧道施工意外災害之發生,並提升國內公路隧道之施工安全管理效果。 本研究乃彙整國道5號北宜高速公路坪林-頭城段之雪山隧道,自民國80年起施工至94年為止,於將近15年的施工期間所發生所有的重大工安意外事件及造成人員傷亡事故之案例中,探討災害事故之發生原因,就相關勞安衛法規、業主規範要求及施工廠商執行效果等構面,尋求積極且有效的改善方案,以降低施工災害,進而提供隧道施工安全管理之借鏡。


Taiwan Island is located on the collision of the Eurasia continental plate and the Philippine Sea plate. The interaction between the plates results in an asymmetrical topographical profile from east to west. The east region, dominated by high mountains and deep gorges, is characterized as steep topography while the west region is characterized as gentle hills and plains. Therefore the population, economic actavities and communication construction are mainly concentrated in the west region. On the contrary, the east region is urged to develop. Recently, the government has actively programmed to develop the east region through transportation constructions, which can possibly narrow down the discrepancy between the east and the west. Therefore, the amounts and magnitudes of the tunnel constructions increase gradually. In spite of the improvements in techniques and instruments of tunnel opening, the industrial safety accidents occurred frequently due to the geologic complexity as well as lots of construction uncertainties and potential hazards. This study intends to discuss the causes of great industrial safety accidents from 1991 to 2005, during the construction of the Hsuehshan tunnel of Pei-I Expressway, the No.5 National Highway. The over all research is hoped to help lessen the safety accidents effectively, enhance the safety management of tunnel constructions efficiently, and be a reference of the industrial safety management of tunnel constructions.


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