  • 學位論文


The Design and Application of Plantar Pressure Sensor Combined with Bluetooth

指導教授 : 黃榮堂 蔡定江


本研究主旨在製作一套低成本、低功耗且方便使用的足壓感測系統。利用足底各點壓力大小及位置,計算出重心位置變化加以評估使用者足部之不良行進姿態,以利足部輔具如鞋墊或氣墊變形機構之製作,進而改善使用者因不良行進姿態所帶來的傷害。 足底壓力陣列感測器放置於鞋墊底部,掃描速度為每秒10次。使用者穿帶足底壓力感測器並行走,當鞋底接觸到地面時,感測器內感測單元接收到不同的壓力,利用電路產生不同的直流電壓。微處理器將類比訊號轉換成數位訊號資料,並儲存在微處理機中。再利用藍芽模組透過無線傳輸的方式傳輸到手機或電腦。 手機或電腦每次接收到的資訊時,會將每顆感測單元顯示於手機程式對應的腳掌位置,而上方的顏色隨著受力大小,顏色會由淺至深變化,手機或電腦顯示的顏色為當下使用者目前足底壓力的狀態,而每次的壓力資訊會儲存並顯示於手機。另外應用程式會利用目前16顆感測單元的數值與位置,計算出使用者重心並以紅色星星的方式呈現,進而觀察到使用者重心的移動軌跡。而手機受到資料後,隨即上傳到雲端。利用雲端資料庫可以分析出使用者行走的狀態,而分析完的結果會回傳顯示於手機或電腦。


低功耗 壓力感測 即時 藍芽4.0模組 雲端


In this research we developed a low cost, low power consumption and easier to use foot pressure sensing system. Plantar pressure values at diffierent locations could calculate the varying center of gravity position to derive user’s walking posture and using it to make foot orthoses such as insole or cushion thereby alleviating the damage caused by the user due to bad walking posture attitude. The plantar pressure sensor array is placed on the bottom of the insole and scanned 16 times per second. Let users wear with plantar pressure sensors; once the soles touch the ground, different pressure exerts on the sensor unit which would allow the circuit to generate a DC voltage. Then the microcontroller converts the analog signal into digital signal and computes the data into pressure value. Further use the Bluetooth module to transmit the pressure value wirelessly to a mobile phone or computer. When cellphone or PC got and stored the data, the display would show the real-time data as a different color cooresponding to the pressure value for each sensing unit. In other application the values and locations of the 16 sensing units are calculated to obtain the user’s center of gravity and display as a red star such that the trajectory movement of the user's center of gravity could be observed. Cellphone can also send the data to the cloud after getting data from the sensor. By using the database on the cloud it could analyze the locus of the center of the gravity and passed the results to cellphone.


Low-power Pressure Sensor Real-time Bluetooth 4.0 Cloud


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