  • 學位論文


A Study on Contingency Theory and Strategies of Setting Technical Standards and Formats in High-Tech Industry

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇


相較於傳統或其他產業,高科技產業技術更新的速度快的驚人,這意味著新的成長機會多,不過相對風險也高,競爭者中能掌握技術標準或規格的往往較有機會在日新月異的市場中擊敗對手,在下一次市場重新洗牌前取得主導權。在個人電腦產業興起至今,電腦構型規格也由IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) 的XT (eXtended Technology) 到AT (Advanced Technology) 演變到至今仍然佔據主流規格的ATX (Advanced Technology eXtended) 與強力推廣但始終無法取代ATX的BTX (Balanced Technology eXtended)。 著眼於同為英特爾制定與推廣的規格,其在市場的接受度卻有著極大差異。英特爾在ATX與BTX的市場推廣策略制定與執行上有些什麼不同以致產生如此大的成敗差距,希望藉由此個案研究與文獻探討,以釐清影響結果的因素。 高科技產業策略制定的權變理論以及創新漸增與突破連續性是本研究的主要理論出發點,其他參考理論包括高科技產業的特性模型,市場接納周期與技術標準的推廣策略模式。 在創新漸增與突破連續性技術與業務二維座標分析中,ATX屬性落在第一象限漸增創新型,反觀BTX則落於第三象限屬於突破創新型,依權變理論應該制定不同推廣策略較能收到成效。因此創新漸增與突破屬性分析是策略制定不能省略的第一道步驟。再則在ATX與BTX的個案探討中,英特爾採用了有別於已知四種模式的廣泛啟能倡導,證明在屬性分析後確定為漸增式創新的ATX獲得成功,但BTX卻效果有限。因此技術標準的推廣策略的四種模式中,應依產業的主客觀競爭因素包括新技術取代的威脅修改模式以提高成功機會。最後,策略制定的統籌工作不應被屬性分析結果所制約,不論是漸增式創新或突破式創新,行銷與研發部門都必須充分溝通達成共識,避免由單方面主導造成市場拉力與技術推力失衡,影響行銷策略方向制定的精準。


Knowing High-Tech industry was characterized with unique high marketing and technological uncertainty along with the competitive volatility at the same time, importance of setting technical standard or specification in some cases to become industry mainstream of adoption as primary strategy is fully recognized by the industry. Personal computer (PC) industry started in ’80s and ramp in ’90s, the PC form factor, evolving over the decades, now is very diversified to serve various market segment of usage model, performance level and price range. As the processor industry leader that has a relatively good position in driving PC form factor specification adoption, Intel did introduced multiple form factors to the market. Some of them were successful, some not. In the PC arena, ATX (Advanced Technology eXtended) has been widely adopted and now still possesses the leading position for mainstream segment. BTX (Balanced Technology eXtended) was strongly promoted by the same company but ended up with a very disappointed market adoption level. In this research, we like to figure out the factors that influence the result by taking ATX vs. BTX example as the study case. Hopefully, there will be some conclusion and suggestion generated from the learnings of this research. The high tech marketing strategy contingency theory and the continuum of innovation (increamental vs. breakthrough model) are the fundamental theories to start with, other supporting theory or model include market adoption curve and competitive strategy options and benefit-cost-risk analysis of those options. ATX and BTX enabling strategy and execution process will be analyzed in above model and be compared with their common/different area for summarization. In the technical vs. business 2-dimensional coordinate of innovation attribution analysis, ATX and BTX was attributed in first and third quadrant respectively, ATX obviously is technical plus business increamental and BTX, in contrast is technical plus business breakthrough. The marketing strategy for ATX and BTX should be different according to the high tech marketing strategy contingency model. The gap between the success level of ATX and BTX proves the innovation attributing is the basic and important first step of making strategy according to the contingency model. Furthermore, Intel drove market adoption for both ATX and BTX by taking similar strategy – broad enabling which is different from known four options. This broad enabling strategy worked well for ATX but not on BTX, the options should be modified with the industry competitive factors of external and internal environment fully considered. Those factors may include but not limited to the cost competitiveness, customer feedback and new technology superseding. Lastly, the strategy plan making should be well-synergized between marketing and R&D departments for any attribution of innovation in the technical vs. business attribution continuum analysis. The strategy makers should avoid single-sided leading on strategy setting. A biased marketing strategy will not balance between marketing pull and technical push, therefore, implies higher risk in driving the successful market adoption.


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