  • 學位論文


Using AHP to Prioritize the Factors How Machine Tool Users Evaluate the Remote Control and Monitoring System

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


工具機(Machine Tool)乃製造業之母,在工業製造的價值鏈中佔有關鍵的角色。然而該類型機台之使用年限動輒15~20年,且操作使用之複雜度極高,售後服務與維修體系是成敗的關鍵,但廣佈直營服務據點的作法卻嚴重侵蝕毛利,因此國際各大工具機廠商紛紛提出解決方案,希望透過資通訊科技(Information and Communication Technology)解決此一困境。其共通方式皆使用遠端監控系統(或遠程監控系統;Remote Control and Monitoring System)。而台灣在工具機的產值與出口於世界排名均名列前茅(產值第五大,出口值第四大),需求理應更勝他國大廠。 此理念與產品存在8年以上,卻少有工具機使用者採用此作法,而早年發展業者亦不再有積極作為,故此研究將利用專家德爾菲法(Delphi)及層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process;AHP)探討現行工具機遠端監控服務之服務架構、系統架構及使用者意見,研究工具機使用者採用工具機遠端監控系統考量因素原因,並提出工具機遠端監控系統未來發展方向之建議。


Machine tool as the mother of manufacturing industry is a critical factor for whole industry value chain. Field Service and the service network would be essential to the success of the machine tool builders as a result of machine tool’s long-lasting duration period. International machine tool builders proposed lots of solutions to this problem with emerging information and communication technologies. Machine tool builders in Taiwan should be dying to introduce this kind of solutions because of the top five countries on aggregate output value of machine tools. There were rare machine tool users adopting the available solutions and those pioneers didn’t take it as the essential features. I am trying to figure out why this service model passing away. In this study, collecting data from users and applying Delphi and AHP methods to figure out how they evaluate the remote control and monitoring system, and I propose the future modified service strategies for those potential practitioners.


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