  • 學位論文


Study on Taipei Preparedness Strategy for Residence Reconstruction for Large Scale Earthquake Disaster

指導教授 : 施邦築


「前車之鑑」與「未雨綢繆」是本研究的基礎概念。以九二一震災為例,在災害過後許多以往鮮少正視過的問題浮出檯面,其中與住宅重建相關者眾,如:住宅重建時程過於冗長、住宅重建政策背道而馳…等。若能於災害發生前就訂立了重建目標與遠景,並搭配完整的重建計畫,就能在災害發生後迅速地啟動重建機制,以利重建時程的加快。 本研究將藉由TELES作為大規模震災境況模擬分析之數據來源,並於數據產出後,取其損害最為嚴重者為目標地區,考量該地區環境現況並搭配量化數值作為重建目標與遠景的參考依據,且彙整出目標地區所需的資源項,及歸納出當大規模震災發生時將會遭遇的問題或難處,並整合減災策略一併收納作為災前住宅重建之對策。


“Lessons learned” and “Taking precautions” are the basic concept of this study. After the 921 Chi-Chi earthquake, there are many problems appeared during recovery phase, most of them were related with residence reconstruction, such as: too much time spending in the process, residence reconstruction policy running opposite to itself …etc. If we can set up reconstruction targets and establish a comprehensive reconstruction plan before a disaster occurs, then we will be able to start reconstruction mechanism quickly, and speed up the residence reconstruction to meet people’s need. This study used the "Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System (TELES)” to obtain required data from simulation analysis for large scale earthquake disasters, then choused the most severe damaged district as the study area. This study proposed reconstruction targets by considering local environment and TELES quantification data of the study area, then compiled needs of resources, inducted problems and difficulties which might encountered during reconstruction process, and finally proposed an adequate preparedness recovery strategy. The results of this study should be helpful to establish a comprehensive residence pre-disaster recovery plan and to integrate it into the mitigation strategies for large scale earthquake disasters for Taipei city.


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