  • 學位論文


A Study on Logistics Management of the Operation Headquarters with Reference to the Computer System Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


當前產業結構在全球化快速發展下已步入知識經濟領域,更強調時間的控管與資源的整合。台灣為一島國文化,資源有限,地處亞太中心為其最大優勢,如何善用本身優點及進行全球資源整合以提升企業經營附加價值為其努力的方針。政府推動營運總部計劃致力於基礎建設與行政程序之改善,並以「投資全球運籌基礎建設,使台灣成為台商及跨國企業設置區域營運總部之最佳地區」為目標。此外,過去對於研究運籌管理的學者大多以個案探討、營運概況說明及策略規劃,無法提供企業經營者在執行運作面參考。 基於此背景與動機,本研究是以台灣為全球營運總部,在全球供應鏈架構下,以供應鏈作業參考模式之規劃(Plan)、採購(Source) 、製造(Make)、 配送(Deliver)與退貨(Return)等五種不同跨功能性管理流程為基礎,依據產業特性、規模大小與營運策略,探討建構符合台灣電腦系統產業之營運總部運籌管理參考模式。經資料蒐集與整理、企業訪談與分析,並在樣本蒐集之後,經由因素分析之主成份分析法,萃取出營運總部運籌管理流程各活動的ICOM關鍵項目,再以IDEF0建模工具作為流程模式分析,建構出電腦系統產業之營運總部運籌管理參考模式,提供企業未來欲實施(或已實施)在選擇(或修訂)營運總部運籌管理之作業參考。


Under the impact of globalization trend, the current industrial structure is going into the knowledge economy field, furthermore, timing control and resource integration are major subjects for businessman and economists. Taiwan is known to be an island with limited natural resources, which is the greatest advantage standing at the Asian- Pacific center, How to make the best of one's own advantage and integration the global resources to promote enterprises economic value-added in Business as its policy. To provide economic basis, the Taiwanese government is also driving speed up the global operation headquarter planning to improve basis of economic processing constructions to be the best target of performance for regional operation headquarter of multi-national companies and Taiwanese based companies. Making a comprehensive survey of past studies about logistics management, most of them are case studies which probed into operation overview of specific industry and strategic planning and can not provide overall reference for the enterprises’ executives to plan logistics management. Based upon this motives, this study is based on five distinct cross-functional management processes of the supply-chain operations reference model such as plan,source,make,deliver and return, according to the industry characteristics,business scale and operational strategies, the author has conducted a study on logistics management of the operation headquarters with reference to the computer system industry from a global supply chain framework which is under a global operation headquarter in Taiwan. After the data collection,data analysis,enterprise interviews and questionnaire survey, extracted the key factors of the ICOM process through the principle components method of factor analysis and taking the “IDEF0 Analysis Model” as modeling method to model every activity of logistics management for the computer system industry, This research can provide some operations reference for the enterprises’ executives to plan logistics management in the future.


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