  • 學位論文


The effectiveness of smoke exhaust from partition openings in a smoke control zone

指導教授 : 蔡尤溪


建築物於火災發生時,往往除了起火點以外,常因濃煙竄流而造成非火災區域煙霧瀰漫,阻礙人員逃生、財產損失與妨礙消防人員進入火場救災。因此,維持火災區域之無害條件,為火災安全重要之一環。 本研究針對防煙區劃內部的居室(隔間)排煙系統,研究內容為現行之相關法規、國內外研究與設計文獻之研析,透過三個實例FDS電腦模擬結果,驗證防煙區劃內隔間設2%有效開口為有效替代機械排煙口的方案,並以火災居室有效開口排煙量及煙層下降情況進行比對,具體分析結果如下: 一、文獻分析發現,針對防煙區劃內居室(隔間)以有效開口排煙上,尚無具體研究案例及成果可供參考,學術研究多在小隔間火場煙流計算,及對流排煙與煙動力導致滲入鄰近空間等問題,以防煙為主的美國建築法規對本問題亦無提及。 二、透過電腦模擬分析比對後發現,法定2%有效開口之排煙能力可達1cmm/m2,符合現行消防法規要求。 三、在相同條件下,有排煙設備相較於無排煙設備,可增加逃生時間約43%。 四、2%有效開口比例,以扁長形狀比例及裝置位置越高,有較佳之排煙性能。 五、2%有效開口位置與火災室火源相對位置,對於排煙性能影響較不顯著。 六、機械排煙口與2%有效開口相對位置之路徑愈短,其排煙效果愈佳。 七、排煙口位置屬天花板型或側壁型,對於排煙性能之影響皆不顯著。 綜整本研究分析結果顯示,2%有效開口為有效替代機械排煙口方案,在法定標準的安裝方式下,可達到相當於法定機械排煙口之排煙效能。


Smoke from a fire site may spread to non-fire sites, with consequences of property loss, obstructing evacuation and firefighting. Therefore maintaining a tenable conditions in a case of fire, is an important concern of fire safety. This study focuses on the smoke exhaust from partitions in a smoke control zone. The relevant regulations and research literature were studied. Three actual building cases that have 2% smoke openings on the partition walls were used in the FDS computer models. It has been found that 2% opening on the partition wall is a viable substitute for installing smoke damper in the partition. The conclusion is based on the analytical results of exhaust volume from the partition opening and also the height of smoke layer during a fire. Specific results were as follows: 1. The research subject was rare in research literature. Regulations and standard are mostly for smoke control zones with no discussion on partitions. The results as presented are original contributions for partitions in a smoke control zone. 2. The smoke exhaust rate from the 2% opening can reach 1.0 cmm per meter of floor area of a partition, meet the regulation requirement. 3. The smoke control zone smoke exhaust can allow 43% more evacuation time. 4. Lower aspect ratio and higher installation are better for the partition openings. 5. The relative position of fire to the opening has no significant effects on smoke exhaust. 6. Shorter separation between the smoke damper and the opening is better for smoke exhaust. 7. Ceiling type and wall type smoke damper has not significant effects on smoke exhaust. Comprehensive analysis of the entire study showed that 2% opening as an effective alternative to mechanical smoke vent solutions, under the statutory standard installation, can reach to the equivalent performance of mechanical smoke vent.


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