  • 學位論文


The Automation Management System of Construction Safety with Scaffold Activity

指導教授 : 林利國


營建業長久以來均扮演著民生基礎工業的主要推手,對經濟發展貢獻良多,素有火車頭工業之美譽,然而這樣的行業,卻也伴隨著極高的作業風險,長期以來,營造業職災千人率居各行業之冠,而其中又以施工架(Scaffold)作業人員事故之發生最為頻繁,若細究其原因乃為施工架係營造業各工種施工時最常採用之一種施工設備,舉凡鋼筋工、模板工、泥作工、水電工等無不藉施工架之設施才能完成其作業,故眾多工種都使用同一種設備,自然會由於介面複雜而造成管理更加不易。 根據勞委會安全衛生研究所所提供的工安事件可以發現,施工架之意外事故有極大的案例比率是可以事先預防的,但礙於該行業的資訊科技運用不足,讓原本可以避免的工安事件,因相關資訊的不充足及時效性不夠等原因,而無法事前預防;且目前多數營造公司的勞安查核作業,都是以紙本的方式進行,導致工程的資訊無法即時與相關人員分享,因此本研究乃建構一個行動化的施工架安全管理系統,利用PDA輔助現場安全管理人員做施工架安全之自主檢查,並可於系統後端將檢查結果自動做成施工危害告知單,使施工安全作業人員即可透過本系統針對違規的項目做快速的改善及適宜的決策,進而防止施工災害的發生。


施工架 PDA 安全管理


The construction industry has acted as a mainly impeller of foundation industry for a long time, it’s a great contribution for economical development; also it’s known as well reputation of pioneer in engineering industries. However such profession is actually following the extremely high work risk. Since long ago the rate of duty disaster in building industry is always higher than other professions and the scaffold operating personnel accident to occur frequently. If investigates carefully the reason for various kinds of work in a factory construction most often uses one kind of construction equipment, all the rebar crew, the form workers, the stonemasons, the electrician and so on need scaffold to complete its work. Therefore it’s not easier to manage if multitudinous kinds of work in construction all use one kind of equipment. According to the Council of Labor Affairs Safety and Health Research Institute discovers the most of scaffold operating accident may prevent beforehand. But obstructs in this profession information and technology utilization insufficiency cause the accident may avoid beforehand, but the correlation information insufficient so it’s unable to prevent in anticipation. Most construction company’s check all is done by paper works. Causes the project information is unable to share to the related staff immediately. Therefore this research constructs a safety management system, assists the scene safety manager using PDA to make a construction security independent inspection, and might make the inspection result and statistical analysis by the system. The construction security operating staffs can permeable this system to make a suitable management and decision, then prevents the construction disaster beforehand.


Scaffold PDA Safety Management


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