  • 學位論文


The Design and Development of Cooling the Substrate of High Power LED

指導教授 : 陳志恆


本論文主要目的在於提供散熱模組零組件一可行之系統化設計方法。藉由技術�功效矩陣表,分析出較具有發展性或可行性之技術切入點,再透過TRIZ發明法則,套用於散熱模組之散熱設計上並加以分析整理。再依循40發明法則原理,結合矛盾矩陣表以找出對散熱設計具有實體幫助之原理;再將研究所得的結果,使用熱模擬分析軟體FLOTHERM進行實例驗證。因此所發展出之新設計原型之系統化流程,可協助工程師快速找到產品創新之概念,並提供未來從事散熱模組之設計人員,進行系統化創新的重要參考方法之ㄧ,其研究結果為: 一、依此設計流程所發展出來之新型散熱模組設計,可有效提升散熱之效率,改善因熱堆積造成LED亮度之表現。 二、依此設計方法所發展出之網狀散熱模組,經由寬度及厚度最適化調整,可達到節省成本的目的。 三、本設計方法流程不僅可用於散熱模組零組件之應用,亦可應用於不同之工程領域及產品。


燈具 技術功效矩陣 散熱


The main purpose of this study is offering a feasible systematized design method of spare part of mould group in thermal module.According to the patented technology / the establishment of the matrix form for Analyse technical entry point of the better development or feasibility.To applicate the design of thermal module are for analysis and process.Then to combinate the matrix form and to follow the 40 principles of the invention law find new theory which can help to improve the design of thermal; Using the result to test and verify by thermal analysis simulation software,FLOTHERM. Therefore, the systematized procedure of the new design prototypes can help the engineer to find the new concept of products fast and provide one of the most important way by designer of thermal module in future .The result of study is: The result of study is: 1. The new design of prototype in the thermal module which developed from the design procedure can increase the effectively of cooling and improve the performance of LED brightness. 2. In order to reduce costs, according to this design of thermal module method by optimization of width and thickness. 3. This design method procedure is not only limited to the application of the spare part of group of mould in the thermal module, but also can apply to different project field and products.


Lamp Technology Efficiencies Matrix FLOTHERM TRIZ Cooling


[1]吳宗明,新原創開發之系統化設計與模擬分析- 以AC LED電路為例,臺北科技大學,2010。
