  • 學位論文


Turning From a Mechanic to an Entrepreneur :The Life History of a Technician

指導教授 : 劉曉芬


本研究以口述生命敘說,蒐集一個接受美援出國技術進修的工場教師阿明,他的生命成長、求學及就業的故事。通過對於研究個案的訪談與故事資料的重構,及敘述訪談法的應用,本文嘗試重建一個戰後臺鐵技工養成所的技術養成教育出身,經美援工業職業教育制度培育的師資及其從業、創業經驗的整體形貌。 本研究對一位技職人黑手變頭家之家庭背景、技術教育經驗及創業歷程進行考察,嘗試說明戰後在臺鐵技術養成教育,美援工職教育計畫推波助瀾及臺灣經濟起飛、兩岸交流時代,技職人生命焠鍊的故事,揭露在大時代中,臺灣工職教育發展歷史的一頁,及一個技術工人階級流動成為企業主的社會歷史環境經驗。 經由對個案之生命經驗的解析,本研究嘗試揭露阿明以技術為根本,求學、就業及創業的歷史脈絡、生涯發展進路、行動者因素的生命圖像及其以家為核心的生命敘說。首先,理出貧窮子弟求學的一條「順天應命」、「力爭上游」、「無縫接軌」的道路,其次,描述在歷史變遷中獲得的教育機會,經濟起飛時期的技術創業,兩岸交流後的臺商西進,而行動者個人之天賦、性格、學習、態度等因素,是黑手變頭家生命經驗的關鍵。 進一步,呼籲社會重視這一群為國家產業發展默默付出的技職人,期盼「技職教育再造」,能為基礎技術教育留一條路。


By life narrative this research collected the story of a factory teacher who took U.S. Aid to get advanced education as well as his life development, learning and employment. Thru the participant interview, data reconstruction and narrative interview, this study tried to re-build the whole picture of a person that was preliminarily educated and trained after World War II at Taiwan Railway mechanic training school and then cultivated by U.S. Aid technological and vocational education system to become a master and start his employment and enterprise experiences. The study explored factors that turned a tech-vocational mechanic to entrepreneur: the family background, technology education and training, and the establishment of his enterprise. Across from postwar, with fundamental training at Taiwan Railway and the follow-on tech-vocational education promoted by USAID, till the period of Taiwan economy take-off and cross-strait communication, this study tried to tell the refined life story of a tech-vocational person by disclosing a significant page in the great era on Taiwanese tech-vocational education history, and the social history environmental experience in which this mechanic worker transformed to entrepreneur class. By life experience analysis of the participant, the research tried to reveal how, Robert, based on his know-how, studied, employ and founded his enterprise—the historical vein, life development approaches and the life icon of activist factor, as well as the life narrative focused on home. First of all, it sorted out that the road for a poor to study was—for the mercy of heaven, strive for the best and seamless connection. Secondly, it described the education opportunities during history changes, the technology enterprise in the era of economy take-off and as a Taiwanese merchant crossing strait into China. Major reasons for a black-handed mechanic to turn to a entrepreneur are the activist’s talent, characteristics, learning and altitude. Finally, I call on the attention of our society to those tech-vocational people who contributed for national development in silence. Hope that the refurbishment of technology education would reserve a path for fundamental technology education.


