  • 學位論文


The Study of Critical Successful Factor of Cloud Services for Healthcare Industry

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


「雲端服務」(Cloud services)是未來的主流,世界各國政府都已競相展開雲端政策的規劃。我國已將雲端服務列入「四大智慧型產業」之一,目的是催生雲端運算產業鏈,讓政府、企業充分運用雲端運算及提升競爭力。 隨著我國經濟成長與教育普及,人民益發重視醫療保健;又伴隨著人口老化現象,醫療需求不斷提昇,行政院(2010)已院會核定通過雲端運算產業發展方案,該雲端運算產業發展方案已將「智慧醫療」(如電子病歷儲存、分析與交換之醫療雲、健康雲)列為發展雲端應用軟體之重點措施之一。故在醫療產業中,導入雲端服務是必要的趨勢,可以透過資訊科技應用,提昇醫療服務品質,減少醫療資源浪費,促進院際間醫療資訊之整合。 因此,本研究主要參考過去雲端服務、資訊科技在醫療產業相關應用、關鍵成功因素及層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)進行文獻探討,並透過層級分析法,提出影響醫院導入資訊系統之相關因素,進而找出醫療產業資訊科技導入雲端服務之關鍵成功因素,整合研究結果提供未來醫療產業導入雲端服務發展之參考依據,以利掌握關鍵因素順利推動。


Cloud services is mainstream in the future, governments around the world have started programming policy of cloud services. Our nation has listed cloud services in one of “Four Intelligent Industries”, aiming to breed operational industry chain of Cloud services and makes government and enterprises to take full utilization of cloud services operation and enhances competitiveness. As our nation’s economy growth and education popularization, people gradually pay more attention to medical healthcare and accompanying by aging popularization phenomenon, National Executive Yuan has approved by Cloud Services Operational Development Plan, this Cloud Services Operational Development Plan has listed “Intelligent Medial Healthcare” such as electrical resumes storage, analysis and exchange of medical healthcare clouds, healthy clouds as one key measure to develop cloud services applicable software. Therefore, in medical healthcare industries, to introduce in cloud service is an essential trend, through information technology application, enable to enhance medical service quality, reduce medical resource waste and accelerate inter-hospital medical information integration. Therefore, this study mainly refers to past relevant applications of clouds services and information technology in medical industries, successful key factors and analytic hierarchy process AHP to proceed literature study, through AHP to propose relevant factors affecting hospital to introduce in information technology system, step further to find out successful key factors of medical industries introducing in cloud service, integrates study results, offers references as basis for medical industries to introduce in clouds service developments in the future and facilitates controlling drives of key factors smoothly.


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