  • 學位論文


Analysis on the Coverage of Design Capabilities and the Trades Served in the Industrial Design Consultancy Business

指導教授 : 黃子坤


在產業結構快速變遷之下,未來設計服務業將面對各式各樣的產業與產品開發課題,而為政府執行設計輔導案的設計服務業,其所擁有的專業能力,能否符合產業變化以及政府重點發展策略,非常值得研究與探討。 本研究蒐集有關工業設計產業的調查資料進行內容分析,並以次數統計方式比對122個設計輔導個案設計團隊的資料,分析其設計專長及服務的產業對象的傾向,並就設計服務業因應產業變動及政府發展趨勢提出建議。本研究之主要發現如下: 1.民國92年至94年期間參與設計輔導案的設計公司,其設計專長領域集中於外觀設計、設計策略、市場研究、色彩規劃與平面設計等類別上,服務的對象集中於產業技術較成熟的消費性產品,由此觀之我國設計服務業的專業能力與消費性產業的發展有相關。 2.分析執行設計輔導案件數最多的前5名設計公司,其勾選的產業專長項目同時達到15項,可見設計服務業所擁有的專業產業項目愈多,其所服務的對象也就愈廣泛,承接政府專案計畫的機會也較多。


In the rapidly changing industrial environment, the design consultancy business will have to face the issues of a wider variety of trades to be served and new product development thereof. Whether the design companies entrusted by the government to execute design projects, with their design capabilities, can meet the changing industrial environment and the requirements of the government’s strategic development plan should be studied and analyzed. This analysis collects data related to the industrial design industry in order to understand the specialties that industrial design consultancy business should have and the trades it serves. The data is then compared with design companies which execute government design consultative assistance projects to understand the differences between the two in the above-mentioned fields. The analysis also provides suggestions on how the design consultancy should cope with the changing industrial environment, and what key areas the government should promote in developing the industrial service industry. The following are the major points uncovered in the analysis: 1.From a study of the design companies that execute government design consultative assistance projects from 2003 to 2005, their specialties are mainly in such areas as appearance design, design strategies, marketing research, color scheme, graphic design, etc. Their clients are mainly in the production of consumer products with mature technology. The specialties of the design consultancy business is closely related to the development of the consumer products industry. 2.The top five design companies executing government design consultative assistance projects entrusted by the government have all marked as many as 15 service areas. So the more service areas a design company has, the more extensive its range of clients is.


[1]Dorothy Goslett著,李長青譯,設計實務,台北:國際,1993。
[2]W. Lawrence Neuma著,朱柔若譯,社會研究方法,台北:楊智,1999。
