  • 學位論文

玻璃產業研發流程與知識創新之研究 -以台灣玻璃公司為例

The R&D Process and Knowledge Innovation of Glass Industry -Taiwan Glass Corporation

指導教授 : 鍾清枝 黃廷合


近年由於高科技產業蓬勃發展,政府政策聚焦於高科技產業,使傳統產業長期居於競爭弱勢。同時傳統產業廠商欠缺研發意識、研發經費投入少,但又要求研發成果需立竿見影。玻璃產業技術及產品均已成熟,故玻璃產業屬於傳統產業且以中小型企業居多。傳統產業通常只專注生產不重視研發,但隨著科技進步及知識經濟時代來臨,知識已被視為一種策略性的資產及創新的主要來源,企業唯有以研發創新、知識創新與技術創新等「三新」做為經營的主要手段策略,企業才能跳脫紅海競爭,邁向利基藍海永續經營。 本研究以研發流程與知識創新為主要構面,藉由文獻探討及個案研究探討玻璃產業的研發流程與知識創新。期望系統化的研究能縮短研發時間,節省研發成本,釐清研發流程與知識創新的關係,建立創新模式,提供建議供企業界參考並引導企業重視研發、投資研發,使傳統產業跳脫傳統,邁向知識化、科技化、高值化,進而升級轉型創新變革。 本研究以焦點小組討論方式,運用訪談技巧及團體互動吸取研發專家的意見及建議,經由個案研究及實證分析,本研究重要成果說明如下: 1.利用知識管理系統,整合相關知識及增加新知識的應用,可縮短研發時間及節省研發成本。 2.釐清研發流程與知識創新之間的關係並建立創新模式。 3.建立創新模式可提供企業界參考。 4.運用知識創新及技術創新,是促使玻璃產業轉型升級及創新變革的重要方針。 5.建議後續研究,可進一步在研發與創新管理深入探討;如知識應用能力,研發團隊、人力資源應用與績效評估等。


Owing to the Hi-Tech industry grows vigorously in recent years, the government policy is concentrated on the Hi-Tech industry, thus the development driving force for traditional industry becomes weaker for a long time. Meanwhile, lack of motivation and funding for R&D is also common in the traditional industry. For example, since relative technology and products of glass industry have been matured already, so the glass industry belongs to the traditional industry and most of them are small and medium enterprises. The traditional industry usually focuses on production without paying attention to R&D, but as knowledge-driven economy comes with the technology progress, knowledge has already been considered as the assets of innovation. Only those industries which regarded that the ' Three Innovation '- to R&D Innovation , Knowledge Innovation and Technology Innovation ,etc. as the main tools for business development can jump off from the competition of Red Sea , march toward the Blue Ocean continuously forever. This research regards R&D process and Knowledge Innovation as two major aspects, to study the R&D process and Knowledge Innovation in glass industry through literature review and case study. It is expected that the systematic approaches can make R&D time shortened and cost effectively, clarify the relationship between R&D process and Knowledge Innovation, establish innovative model. Some suggestions are provided to the tradition industry for references as well, to make them to upgrade business by means of R&D process and Knowledge Innovation. This research uses Focus Group as discuss approach, utilizes interview skill and group interaction to draw the suggestions from experts, and also by way of the case study and real example analysis (Empirical Analysis and Positivism Analysis), some important achievement of this research is explained as follows: 1. Utilize the knowledge management system, the application combining relevant knowledge and increasing new knowledge, to make R&D time shortened and cost effectively. 2. Clarify the relationship between R&D process and Knowledge Innovation and establish innovative model. 3. Provide innovative model to the tradition industry for references. 4. Use the knowledge innovation and technological innovation, to make glass industry to upgrade business by means of R&D process and Knowledge Innovation. 5. Proposition for follow-up study, some topics are suggested to make more deep discussion with ' Three Innovation '; For instance knowledge application ability , R&D group , human resources application and performance assessment.


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