  • 學位論文


The Application of Product Lifecycle Management System for New Products Research & Development — A Case Study of T Company

指導教授 : 林啟瑞博士 黃廷合博士


企業為了提升產品品質,以更快的速度、更低的成本推出更多產品,所面臨的壓力不但由來已久,而且還會與日俱增。產業正在急遽變化;客戶需求正在不斷演變;為了要在當今的環境中生存,供應鏈也在不斷地進行調整。除此之外,整個組織還面臨了其他方面的壓力,因此必須克服種種障礙,才能協助公司在激烈競爭中獲得勝利,並達成獲利目標。 產品生命週期管理(Product Lifecycle Management, PLM),是強調運用資訊科技的技術蒐集、分類、整理產品生命週期中,所產生之規格文件、設計文件、圖面、報告、問題點,並藉由系統分析及追蹤,讓產品生命週期中所產生之資料、資訊能被參考及再利用,藉以累積經驗及彙整出有效的知識。運用一套優良的產品生命週期管理系統,能夠協助我們管理整個產品生命週期中的所有產品內容和企業流程。此外,透過產品生命週期管理系統完備的高效能架構,不但能在今日助我們一臂之力,還能讓我們為明日的種種不確定性因素做好準備。 PLM可以從供應鏈管理(SCM)、客戶關係管理(CRM)、企業資源計畫(ERP)系統中提取相關的資訊,並使之與產品知識發生關聯,進而使之用於擴展型企業,目的是為了讓從製造到市場、從採購到製造的所有人,都能夠更快速、高效率工作;也是企業再造的管理變革策略,因為它能夠協助製造業在核心商業上進行創新(Innovation),反映市場最新需求,提升 Time-to-Market速度、客戶訂單數量、產品命中率,降低不良率,甚至加強資產與智慧財產權的再利用率(Asset & IP reuse),達到企業智識財產的保存目標。以觸控面板相關產業為例,面對全球不同的生產與行銷據點,加上遍佈全球的顧客服務網,管理與服務的最大挑戰即是如何達到資訊同步化,藉由PLM專案的協同開發設計、研發資料安全控管、客戶需求服務等導入工程,將可實現其全球運籌「無疆界管理與服務」的目標架構。 嚴密的數位神經系統十倍速的推動著時代巨輪,企業面臨的經營環境隨時起變化,企業必須不斷的推陳出新,以新產品、新服務來因應市場的需求,進而創造企業生命的再延續,所以新產品開發是企業的一項重要使命。從新產品開發的演進過程,我們可以了解客戶導向的重要性,首先要定義什麼是新產品;再來探討新產品開發的演進過程,新產品開發的架構,新產品開發的成功關鍵因素,新產品發展之績效評估等,進而探討知識管理、行銷與研發的整合在新產品開發時所扮演的角色。


With the intension in constantly enhancing product quality, efficiency, lower cost for more product selections, as a manufacture, the burden of the pressure is not only being carried with history, but also getting worse day after days. The industry is changing dramatically, in addition, customer needs are become more unpredictable. The supplier chain is constantly being reviewed and adjusted in order to survive in today’s complex environment. Other than the statement mentioned, the entire organization is facing various pressures and it is every individual’s responsibility for us to overcome all the obstacles mentioned in order to assist an organization to win the victory from the competition and reach organizational objective. Basically, the definition of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is to emphasize the technology of search, classify, and organize all specification documents, design documents, design drawings, reuse reports, and etc. Based on the information, an enterprise is able to analyses, track, and reuse the data and optimizes all data to be the most efficient emperies knowledge. With today’s technology, to make use of an outstanding PLM system is able to assist an enterprise to manage product lifecycle with entire content and process. Further more, a high performance PLM system will not only help an enterprise today, but also reveal enterprise uncertainties in the future. The PLM can withdraw the related information from the enterprise resource project (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), customer relation management (CRM) system, and make it taken place the connection with the product knowledge, making then it being used for and expanding an enterprise, purpose is for letting from make the market, from buy to make of owner, all can sooner and soon, high-efficiency work. Is also the management change strategy that the enterprise gives a new life, because it can help the manufacturing industry to go forward to go the innovation in the core business, reflecting the latest need of market, promoting the Time-to-Market speed, customer's order quantity, product to hit the right the rate, reducing the bad rate, even strengthening the property and intellectual property rights of then utilization (the Asset& IP reuse), reach the conservancy target of the enterprise knowledge property. Take the related industry of the touch pad as an example, face different production in world and sell the base, plus the customer service net of spreading all over the world, the biggest challenge of the management and service is how reach the information to synchronize, be in conjunction with the development design, the development data security to control by the PLM project, customer the need service etc. ducts into the engineering, will be able to carry out the target structure of its global strategy "limitless boundary management and service". The tight digital nervous system decuple soon pushes the huge round of the times, the enterprise faces of the management environment rises at any time variety, the enterprise has to continuously weed through the old to bring forth the new, with new product, new service to respond the need of the market, then create the enterprise life continues again, so the new product development is an important mission of the enterprise. From the evolution of the new product development process, we can understand the importance that the customer leads to define first what is a new product. Inquire into again the evolution process of the new product development, the structure of the new product development, new product the successful key factor of the development, the performance evaluation of the new product development etc., the integration that then inquire into the knowledge management and sell and development at new product development the role played.


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