  • 學位論文


Study of Rare Resource Materials Treatment and Flow Analysis in Printed Circuit Board

指導教授 : 張添晉


全球對於印刷電路板的需求量越來越大,臺灣為印刷電路板的生產大國,因此造成大量廢印刷電路板需要處理。為了回收循環印刷電路板中稀有資源,本研究以物質流為架構理論,利用物質平衡之觀點,建置臺灣2011年印刷電路板及印刷電路板之稀有資源物質流布。本研究透過蒐集國內印刷電路板進出口、製造、廢棄及市場流動等數據,且調查推估我國印刷電路板流布情形,爾後蒐集印刷電路板回收稀有資源相關文獻。 結果顯示2011年臺灣印刷電路板的進口量為5,414噸,且其最多的種類為其他印刷電路板。而出口量為45,220噸 ,其最多種類為硬質多層印刷電路板。其營業量約為4,214噸、製造量為60,528噸。稽核認證廢棄量為3,876 噸,而境外處理量約等於18,228噸。 經文獻蒐集法得知,廢印刷電路板中含有鈀、鉑、銦、鎵、鉭、鉬及銻等稀有資源。並推估一公噸的廢印刷電路板約可回收稀有資源鈀360g、鉑315 g、銦12 g、鎵96 g、鉭400 g、鉬0.61 g及銻994 g。印刷電路板內資源潛勢中鈀8,675.6 kg、鉑7,590 kg、銦289 kg、鎵 2,313 kg、鉭9,638 kg、鉬14 kg及銻23,951 kg。臺灣2011年境外輸出的處理量換算廢印刷電路板資源產值約損失了200億,而稀有資源的廢棄潛量就有350噸。目前印刷電路板的回收技術仍有技術精進空間,且未來應減少境外輸出比例,促使稀有資源能留在臺灣產業循環再利用。


The demand for printed circuit board (PCB) is growing globally. As a major manufacturer for PCB, Taiwan has to deal with a large number of waste PCBs. In order to recycle the rare resource materials in PCB, this study identifies the distribution of PCB and the rare resource materials in it in Taiwan in 2011 based on the material flow structure and the perspective of material balance. This study collected domestic data about PCB import and export, manufacturing, disposal and distribution in the market to estimate the distribution of PCB in Taiwan. Then, literature related to the recycling of rare resource material in PCB was reviewed. The study results indicate that Taiwan imported 5,414 tons of PCBs in 2011, most of which fell into the category of other PCB, while Taiwan exported 45,220 tons of PCBs and most of them were in the category of rigid multi-layer PCB. The turnover of PCB in 2011 was approximately 4,214 tons and 60,528 tons of PCBs was manufactured. Certified waste reached 3,876 tons and about 18,228,000 kilograms of PCBs per year were processed overseas. We learned from literature review that rare resource materials such as palladium, platinum, indium, gallium, tantalum, molybdenum and antimony are present in waste PCBs. One ton of waste PCBs contains 360 grams of palladium, 315 grams of platinum, 12 grams of indium, 96 grams of gallium, 400 grams of tantalum, 0.61 grams of molybdenum and 994 grams of antimony. Therefore, the resources potential for PCB in 2011 was 8,675.6 kg of palladium, 7,590 kg of platinum, 289 kg of indium, 2,313 kg of gallium, 9,638 kg of tantalum, 14 kg of molybdenum and 23,951 kg of antimony. We lost roughly 20 billion by processing waste PCBs overseas. The potentials for rare resource materials were 350 tons. There’s currently still room for improvement for PCB recycling technologies and it’s suggested to reduce the percentage of waste PCBs processed overseas to keep more rare resource materials in Taiwan for recycling and reuse.


【1】 陳韋佑,兩岸城市採礦發展潛力分析之研究,碩士論文, 國立臺北科技大學環境工程與管理研究所,臺北,2012
【6】 林進南,印刷電路板製造業基本資料,臺灣經濟研究院資料庫,2012
【21】 林進南,印刷電路板製造業之現況與展望,臺灣經濟研究院資料庫,2012
【24】 林進南,我國印刷電路板製造業現況與未來展望,臺灣經濟研究院資料庫,2012
【57】 高雅玲,「由稀有資源爭戰談稀有資源的產業意涵」,中國鑛冶工程學會會刊:第 214期,2011,第11-20頁


