  • 學位論文


RFID embedded dental prosthesis for the use of identification

指導教授 : 呂志誠


本論文是結合射頻辨識(radio-frequency identification, RFID)技術於牙科贋復物(prosthesis)中來提供一個有效身分識別的途徑。目前設計最小天線尺寸為0.8 cm X 1.25 cm,所能讀取之最長距離為2 cm,實際放入之牙齒區域為雙側下第一磨牙頰區,晶片面與牙齒表面平行。為使標籤能與贋復物緊密的結合,利用標籤端的天線部分針對贋復物的形狀與大小重新設計,並能透過臉頰組織讀取到其資料。考慮到外界水分的影響與所需距離的考量,採用高頻(13.56 MHz)來做為讀取器與標籤的工作頻段;另外為避免金屬屏蔽效應而影響工作性能,所用之牙科贋復物是屬於高分子替代假牙。標籤天線的設計方式主要考慮天線的電感與晶片內部電容的共振以及讀取器本身所提供的磁場強度,並利用Comsol Multiphysics來進行磁場強度模擬。研究成果顯示此種方式是可行的。未來此方法應用於身分不明的罹難者身分辨識和協助因罹患阿茲罕默症而無法保有短期記憶,以至於經常性走失的病患,若再能進一步整合電子病歷,將達到更快速的身分辨識效果。


This thesis provides an effective method of identification by combining RFID technology with dental prostheses. The antenna minimum size we design is 0.8 cm x 1.25 cm currently and its effective distance is 2 cm. The antenna position is lower bilateral first molar region cheek area and the wafer surface parallel to the teeth surface. Redesign shape and size of the prostheses through tag antenna in order to make tag integrate with prostheses tightly. The data can be read by tag through cheek tissue. On one hand, we consider external moisture considerations and required distance, using high frequency (13.56 MHz) as the reader’s and tag’s working band. On the other hand, we chose to use polymeric dental prostheses to avoid metal shielding effect during work. The tag antenna design method is based on antenna inductance, capacitance of resonance inside the wafer and the reader itself magnetic field strength. In addition, we use Comsol Multiphysics to simulate magnetic field strength. Simulated and experimental results is workable. Moreover, this study can apply to identify unknown victims of disaster and assist Alzheimer's patients who keep short-term memory and lose their ways easily. If this study could combine with EHR in the future, it will help identification work faster.


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