  • 學位論文


Research on Method of Fire Resistance Tests for Fire Door Hardware

指導教授 : 張寬勇


近年來,台灣地區經濟快速成長,人口大量集中於都市,使得高樓大廈不斷增建,一旦建築物發生火災,往往會造成嚴重的傷亡及損失,因此對於建築物的防火性能需更加重視,以降低因為火災發生所造成人員與財物的損失。經由許多研究調查顯示,若能設置有效的防火區劃,將可大大降低火災的威脅。 防火區劃是以防止火、煙擴大及侷限延燒範圍為目標,要求具有一定時間以上之耐火性及遮煙性。所以有效的防火區劃能限制火災範圍,使火災範圍不會繼續擴大延燒,並使人員避難行動時能有安全的區間;而用於區劃之防火門為建築之開口部,不僅可為日常生活之進出口,在避難逃生時更需讓人員能在煙火被阻絕之狀況下通過逃生,故其防火性能更顯重要。 但目前相關的試驗標準,主要針對門體進行「整體」測試,對於與防火門相關五金配件之耐火性能等問題,並未有單獨測試規範,若這些配件在施工時破壞了門扇之完整性,或於火災時產生變形等情形以致失效,都極有可能影響門之整體防火性能,因此對使用於防火門上之五金配件作一研究與實際測試,是非常重要且必要的。


In recently, people continuously converge to the city and the skyscrapers unlimitedly increase their altitude by economic growth in Taiwan. Due to people crowded and extravagant skyscrapers, the fire accident will cause the serious damage and loss in the city. Some researches show that the proper establishment of fire stops can effectively minish the hazard of the fire accident. Therefore, how to increase the fire resistance of these sky flats to reduse the heavy toll of the accident by the fire compartment is the main topic of this study. The purpose of fire compartment is taking some fire doors with fire resistance and smoke separation to limit the area of fire and smoke during this accident. Meanwhile, people can find the safe space to evacuate themselves by the proper setup of fire compartment to restrict the fire area. Then, fire resistance ability of fire compartment in entrance area is very important because of its main exit of this building in the accident. Up to now, the related fire door test standards focus on the fire resistance of the main body. They still lack for fire resistance and breakdown tests in the fire door hardware to maintain the integrlity of these fire doors. The standards of fire resistance and breakdown tests in the fire door hardware are helpful and necessary to install the fire doors and make sure the fire resistance ability in the accident.


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