  • 學位論文


A Study on the Beauticians’ Demands for the Vocational High School Graduates’ ProfessionalCompetencies in Taipei City

指導教授 : 林淑珍


本研究旨在瞭解臺北市美容業業者對高中職美容科畢業生專業能力需求之差異情形,並分析探討與臺北市美容業業者有關的個人背景資料之關係,根據研究結果提出結論與建議供學校及學生參考。為達此研究目的,透過文獻探討整理,發展編製「臺北市美容業業者對高中職美容科畢業生專業能力需求之調查問卷」為研究工具,以臺北市美容業業者為研究對象,進行問卷調查,共計發出584份問卷,回收566份,依此樣本進行統計分析,採用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、t檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法加以分析,結論如下: 一、美容業業者對於高中職美容科畢業生專業能力需求程度,以「工作態度」為最高、其次依順序為「專業技術」、「專業知識」、「顧客服務」、「行銷與管理」,而以「個人發展」為較低。 二、美容業業者的「性別」對於專業能力需求,男性較女性重視「顧客服務」、「行銷與管理」及「個人發展」專業能力層面。 三、美容業業者的「年齡」越長對於專業能力需求程度,在「專業知識」、「專業技術」、「行銷與管理」及「個人發展」專業能力層面需求越高。 四、美容業業者的「學歷」越高對於專業能力需求程度,在「工作態度」、「顧客服務」、「行銷與管理」及「個人發展」專業能力層面需求越高。 五、美容業業者的「工作年資」越資深對於專業能力需求程度,在「行銷與管理」及「個人發展」專業能力層面需求越高。 六、美容業業者的「店家規模」越大對於專業能力需求程度,在「專業技術」、「工作態度」、「顧客服務」、「行銷與管理」及「個人發展」專業能力層面需求越高。 七、美容業業者的「行業類別」中,彩妝在「專業知識」、「專業技術」、「工作態度」、「顧客服務」、「行銷與管理」及「個人發展」六個專業能力層面需求度均為最高,其他依序為「美髮」、「美甲」、以「美容護膚」較低。 八、本研究之樣本以「美髮」佔美容業整體店家數比例最高,其次為「美容護膚」、「彩妝」,以「美甲」為最低。 針對研究結果,分別對學校、學生及未來研究者提出具體之建議,俾供參考。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the demand of professional competencies of vocational high school graduates of Cosmetology, and analyze the its correlation with individual backgrounds of cosmetologists. The result of the study will offer conclusion and recommendations to schools and students in this field. In order to attain this purpose, referred related literature and relevant theories before designing a questionnaire “The Beauticians’ Demands for the Vocational High School Graduates’ Professional Competencies in Taipei City” as his research tool. The samples of the survey are cosmetologists in Taipei City. A total of 584 questionnaires were distributed and 566 were collected. The data was statistically analyzed utilizing frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The conclusions are as follows: 1. With regard to the Beauticians’ Demands for professional competencies of vocational high school graduates of Cosmetology, work attitude is the highest, followed by the order of professional skills, professional knowledge, customer service, marketing and management, while the lower is personal development. 2. As for the gender, male cosmetologists emphasize more than female ones on customer service, marketing and management, and personal development. 3. In terms of age, the elder the cosmetologists, the more they demand for professional knowledge, professional skills, marketing and management, and personal development. 4. In the matter of educational backgrounds, the higher the cosmetologists have, the more they demand for work attitude, customer service, marketing and management, and personal development. 5. In regard to seniority, the longer the length of service of cosmetologists, the more they demand for marketing and management and personal development. 6. About business scale, the bigger they are, the more they demands for professional skills, work attitude, customer service, marketing and management, and personal development. 7. Among professionals in beauty industry, makeup artists demand more on six specific fields: professional knowledge, professional skills, work attitude, customer service, marketing and management, and personal development, followed by hair stylists, manicurists and skin care specialists. 8. The sample in this study as “Hairdressing” accounted for the highest proportion in beauty industry as a whole the number of stores, followed by “skin care”, “make-up” to “nail” the lowest The finding of this study hopes to offer useful recommendations and work as a reference for schools, students and future researchers.


