  • 學位論文


Developing an Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Wireless Monitoring Network and Dynamic Air Quality Index System

指導教授 : 曾昭衡


本研究主要分三大部分,分別為 (1) 開發室內室外空氣品質無線監測網路系統 (Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Wireless Monitoring Network, AQWMN) (2)修正室內空氣品質指標系統 (Indoor Air Quality Index system, IAQI system) 及(3)結合室內外空氣品質無線監測系統與室內空氣品質指標建立「室內室外空氣品質無線監測暨動態指標系統 (Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Wireless Monitoring Network and Dynamic Air Quality Index System)」。 所開發之系統應用於台北縣板橋某社區作為案例應用,採用 ZigBee無線傳輸技術,整合氣體感測器(二氧化碳、一氧化碳、臭氧、溫度及濕度)、無線傳輸、I/O模組及監測軟體等於系統中,系統驗證方式包含實驗室比對測試、現場比對測試及校正分析其準確度,並提出室內外空氣品質無線監測系統設置、系統設備維護及標準校正程序,以利後續無線監測系統操作及維護。 本研究訂定之室內空氣品質指標系統,污染物項目包括:懸浮微粒 (PM10)、懸浮微粒 (PM2.5)、二氧化碳 (CO2)、一氧化碳 (CO)、臭氧 (O3)、甲醛 (HCHO)、揮發性有機污染物 (VOCs)、總細菌 (Bacteria) 及總真菌 (Fungi)等9項,各室內空氣污染物之IAQI指標分界訂定方式,以我國室內空氣品質建議值為基準,輔以參考相關流行病學研究報告、考量國內外室內空氣品質特性、國內外標準,定義IAQI指標系統分界及分界濃度限值,並以我國室內空氣品質第一類場所 (敏感族群) 建議值濃度標準訂於IAQI指標系統值100,第二類場所 (一般族群) 建議值濃度標準訂於IAQI指標系統值150。 研究結果顯示,固定式氣體感測器部分以CO2 、CO及溫濕度穩定性及準確度較佳,其他污染物在價位或準確性上較不可行。室內室外空氣品質指標試算結果,短期應用之指標計算方式採每小時平均濃度值,指標值有高估現象,但指標之應用仍為保守之估計,短期及長期應用皆以地下停車場之污染情形較嚴重,室內休閒中心次之,廣場之空氣品質皆符合標準。 整合無線監測網路系統,運用無線監測系統進行快速診斷,以「室內空氣品質指標」系統進行快速評估,可立即提供室內外環境空氣品質即時資訊使室內人員了解目前暴露室內空氣污染物之健康風險,同時提供敏感族群之風險暴露警示,減少敏感族群暴露於有害室內空氣污染物,其應用結果可提供民眾做出防護措施亦可作為未來國內之室內空氣品質管制措施參考。


The purpose of this study is to develop an Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Wireless Monitoring Network and Dynamic Air Quality Index System. There are three parts in this study; 1. to build an Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Wireless Monitoring Network (AQWMN). 2. to improve Indoor Air Quality Index (IAQI) System for creating a Dynamic Air Quality Index System. 3. to integrate AQWMN and IAQI system. ZigBee wireless technique and gaseous pollution sensors that contain sensors of Carbon dioxide (CO2), Carbon monoxide (CO), Ozone (O3) as well as sensors of temperature, and humidity will be integrated into one indoor air monitor system which will be applied for one particular community in Banciao, Taipei County. Moreover, several laboratory and field tests were also conducted to evaluate accuracy of the system in controlled conditions and real world environments. Nine major indoor air pollutants are discussed: PM10, PM2.5, CO2, CO, O3, HCHO, TVOC, bacteria and fungi. Therefore, the indoor air quality index (IAQI) system is developed in this research based on epidemiology studies, current regulations and standards, and the two classes of Taiwan indoor air quality guideline (IAQG). IAQI system uses the similar scale of the U.S. ambient air quality index (AQI) system. The above pollution concentrations are defined as the IAQI ratings of 100 (IAQG-class I) and 150 (IAQG-class II) to develop a local index system for the human health protection in Taiwan. According to the results of this study, the AQWMN system can monitor air quality of three different sites simultaneously, and wireless transmit data into computer database which users could browse and check instant or historical records through internet. Among the gaseous pollution sensors, sensors of CO2, CO, temperature, and humidity have better performance. The test results of Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality Index for community showed that most serious air pollution occurred in parking area in both long-term and short-term monitoring, followed by Indoor recreation center; however, the air quality of Square area is within standard. By using the Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Wireless Monitoring Network and Dynamic Air Quality Index System, community managers and policy makers can easily monitor air quality in real-time, and evaluate the impacts of management to the air quality and human health. It can provide indoor air quality self-management for Building managers and serve as an assessment tool to ensure the improvement of indoor air quality.




