  • 學位論文

整合TRIZ發明原則與演化趨勢於產品研發之問題解決 -以電子防潮櫃為例

Problem Solving by Integrating TRIZ Inventive Principles and Evolution Trends for Product Research and Development - A Case Study for Electronic Chip Dry Cabinet

指導教授 : 黃乾怡




Taiwan's average relative humidity exceeds 70% RH. Items will be aging or rusting in humid environments. Use dry cabinet can prevent these situations. Today markets of physical and electronic dry cabinet as the main market. To obtain better Desiccant Systems dry cabinets, that Integrating TRIZ inventive principles and evolution trends for problem solving in product research and development. To avoid the user selects inventive principles and evolution trends as standard solution that no ideas or macroscopic and subjective choice, so this study integrating Altshuller's 40 inventive principles and Mann's 37 evolution trends then categories. According to the contradiction matrix to find inventive principles and then follow high similarity corresponds to evolutionary trends then make correspondence table. Finally, use the corresponding table in this case then find the evolution trends parameters as the standard solution. The results show that this study integrating TRIZ inventive principles and evolution trends better than using only the inventive principles or evolution trends to obtained solution. In this case Integrating TRIZ Inventive Principles and Evolution Trends that get the most ideal final result.


TRIZ Evolution Trends Electronic Dry Cabinet


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