  • 學位論文


A Study on SME’s Transformation Strategy – A Case of the D Company in Measurement Instruments Industry

指導教授 : 邱垂昱


儀器可謂工業之母。而量測儀器應用於醫療衛生、工業製造、航空運輸、生化分析、國防建設、教育研究、農林漁牧及商業貿易等各領域,更是開展科學研究、教育研究、生化分析、節能建設及提高產品質量與增加經濟效益等提升科學量測管理的重要技術裝置。 依據中小企業發展條例之中小企業認定標準加以分類,製造業之實收資本額在新臺幣8千萬元以下者,或經常雇用員工數未滿200人者為中小企業。2008年中小企業白皮書指出,96年台閩地區1,266,050家受徵收營業稅企業中97.63%為中小企業之組織型態。工研院產業經濟與趨勢研究中心(IEK)調查顯示,台灣精密儀器廠商約550家,其中六成以上的廠商以量測儀器及控制設備業者為主,超過五成整體營收者亦以量測及控制設備為主。可知量測儀器及控制設備對目前產業之品質管控及提升效率的重要性。 然而,面對科技的成長與全球經融風暴造成產業景氣與環境的變遷,量測儀器產業進入另一個企業發展與成長的策略轉折點。企業該如何透過體質的檢視、環境態式的分析,來擬定企業成長與轉型之經營策略及瞭解有效運用產業資源與核心能力來創造與建立競爭優勢的同時,經營的決策扮演重要的關鍵轉折點。 經營策略的擬定影響公司定位與發展方向。本研究針對電子量測檢測儀器業經營發展的特性,探討量測檢測儀器產業經營所面臨的可能困境,並透過文獻探討、個案深入訪談及次級資料的蒐集,彙整分析後,提出電子量測檢測儀器產業企業競爭優勢的建立模型及轉型經營策略的決策過程與擬訂模型,驗證個案成功轉型的關鍵成功因素,使具備研發能力的量測儀器企業在面臨產業競爭級階段性轉型時,可在目標願景及企業定位確立的基礎下依序進行體質分析、產業環境分析、策略擬定,並透過有效的執行力強化體質,建立持續競爭優勢。


The measurement instruments are widely used in medical and health, industrial manufacturing, aerial transport, biochemical analysis, national defense, education and research, agriculture, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry and commercial trade and other fields. It is not only to promote the scientific research, education and research, biochemical analysis but also enhance to energy-saving product quality and increase the economic benefits of scientific measurement. For those reason, the test and measurement instrument is the important technical device for overall industrial. The company's develop strategy would be impact in the business positioning and development direction. A faced with the growth of science and technology, the global financial turmoil caused by the industrial economy and the environment changes, the measuring equipment industry is going into another enterprise development strategy of turning point and growth. Enterprise is tried to growth up their business and make their business strategy not only through the physical view, state-based analysis of the environment, it also use effectively the industry resources and core competencies to create and establish a competitive advantage. The major objective for this research is to study the test and measuring instruments industry that are facing the possibility of operating difficulties from the characteristics of the electronic measurement instruments’ business development . The research is based on the case study through the literature, review and secondary data collection. It is tried to build the competitiveness advantage module of the electronic measurement instrumentation industry and to provide the module of decision-making process for SME’s transformation strategy. The case study is expected to provide the SME of measurement equipment which has a capability of R&D to build a competitiveness advantage in their firm during the enterprise growth and transition phase.


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