  • 學位論文


Design a Chinese Character APP game with ARCS theory -A case study of Play with Chinese Words ~part of animals~

指導教授 : 曹筱玥


自古以來,漢字對我們影響相當深遠,漢字的結構具有許多意義與豐富的中華文化內涵,想了解漢字就要先探討起源與構造。藉由近代科技的發展、攜帶型行動裝置已成為一種新的學習方式,學習漢字也能以創新技術來表現,但良好的學習需要學習動機的激發,才能讓學習者對所學事物產生興趣,朝學習目標前進。本研究想以漢字為主題,藉由目前廣受應用的App軟體創作一個能提升學習國語興趣的遊戲。預期發展(1)可配合國小中級生國語課程之遊戲創作(2)遊戲結合ARCS理論對國小中年級學生學習動機的效果。 本研究主要分成三個階段:第一階段為彙整相關文獻探討與資料,瞭解國文相關之數位媒體教材範圍與應用、提升學習動機理論後設計遊戲腳本。第二階段,透過上述步驟開發「漢字遊∼動物篇∼」遊戲原型,並詢問專家意見,彌補遊戲內容與核心不足之處。第三階段,為理解遊戲搭配學習動機理論成果,針對目標對象進行實際測試。研究主要結論如下:(1) 本遊戲「漢字遊∼動物篇∼」可輔助並配合國小國語課程,例如文字的演變、歷史或有關動物的課文中輔助 ;(2) 遊戲視覺、風格與圖片等等配合目標對象年齡層(注意與相關性);(3) 實際體驗遊戲可增加使用者的學習興趣(信心與滿足感);(4) 配合ARCS理論增加遊戲的豐富性與耐玩度。


For people who living in Chinese culture, the Chinese character is reaching impact in life. The structure has many points and connotation. if we want know the origin of Chinese character, history of creation is first step. With the development of modern science and technology, mobile devices has become a new way of learning, it’s also bring more innovation performance for learning Chinese character, but a good learning needs favorable Learning motivation to excite learners’ interesting and reach purpose. Developing an APP game with Chinese character by the game raising Learning motivation is final goal in this study. Expected Development (1) Creation game can be used in elementary Intermediate students for Mandarin Chinese lessons (2)To elementary Intermediate students, ARCS theory combine this game in learning whether the impact of motivation. This study has three stages: first stage is design game script by literature of Chinese character、digital media and applications、Learning motivation theory, after making base of game, second stage is complete game produce with experts opinion for contents. Third stage is checking result whether samples really raise their Learning motivation after been played game. Findings of this study are as follows: (1)「Play with Chinese ~piece of animals~」assist elementary mandarin lessons, such as the evolution of the Chinese character, Chinese history and be a good teaching material. (2)The visual of game like ancient China style、photo objects fit target .(Attention and Relevance) (3)Experience of playing game may increase user's interest in learning. (Confidence and Satisfaction) (4) Game with ARCS theory making content more multiple and playable.


王淑真 (2005)。行動學習融入教學模式初探,生活科技教育月刊38卷第7期。
