  • 學位論文


The Effects of Involovement and Corporate Brand on the Broadband Users’Voluntary Performance of Chung-Hwa Tel. Co.- The Influence of Brand Trust, Identity Salience and Organizational Identification.

指導教授 : 廖森貴


二十一世紀是數位化時代,隨著電信、網路與傳播科技的蓬勃發展及不斷進步,高頻率的數位寬頻網路取代電話撥接窄頻網路成為市場主流,再加上網路媒體的特殊性質,孕育出許多極富商業潛力的寬頻加值服務,如:網路遊戲、線上學習…等,所以各家寬頻業者皆卯勁全力依市場需求推出許多寬頻加值服務,希望藉著網路無時空限制的優點,在這塊新興寬頻領域中闖出一片天地。因此本研究希望建立一模式,以涉入、企業形象為前置因素來探討與心理層面之品牌信任、識別顯著性、組織認同的關聯,及對申請寬頻加值服務自發行為的影響,期望協助寬頻業者能透過這些前置的影響因素來瞭解寬頻用戶,進而影響其申請寬頻加值服務,使業者能永續經營,持續成長和茁壯。 中華電信為寬頻業者的龍頭,市佔率八成以上,故本研究以中華電信寬頻用戶為研究對象,透過網路問卷的調查方式共得到450份有效問卷,在各項衡量指標達到標準之後,利用LISREL 8.57統計工具進行實證分析,經過模式配適驗證,所得之結論路徑關係如下: 一、中華電信寬頻用戶對寬頻網路涉入愈高和對中華電信企業形象認知愈好,對品牌信任、識別顯著性和組織認同的影響會愈顯著。 二、中華電信寬頻用戶會透過中介變數,即由對中華電信的品牌信任、識別顯著性和組織認同,影響其申請寬頻加值服務之自發行為。


In the digital era, booming communication and network techniques brings variety of broadband value-added service, such as network games, on-line learning, etc. The unlimited space and time of network exhausts broadband service providers to develop value-added services in order to seek profit growth. Therefore, the thesis proposes a model to associate users’ voluntary performance with brand trust, identity salience and organization identification, based on involvement and corporate brand. The resulted model can help broadband service providers evaluate voluntary performance for applications of broadband value-added services, and further develop user oriented service. Since Chung-hwa Telecom Company is the largest broadband provider, which owns 80% market share, the research targets the broadband users of Chung-hwa Telecom Company. There are 450 users to complete this survey through internet questionnaire. Under statistic requirements, relationship of above studied factor for user’s voluntary performance can be concluded by the statistic tool of LISREL 8.57. First, Higer involvement and better corporate cognition of broadband of Chung-hwa Telecom Company leads to more brand trust, identity salience and organizational identification. Second, the broadband users of Chung-Hwa Telecom Company get direct effect to voluntary performance through mediation effects of brand trust, identity salience and organizational identification.


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