  • 學位論文


A Study of Undesirable Facilities Covering Location Problem

指導教授 : 吳建文


本篇論文主要是針對研究定址設施的位址問題。文章中研究的設施性質,屬於令人不喜愛的設施,也就是鄰避(NIMBY, Not-In-My-Back-Yard)設施之定址的問題。當設施類型為令人不喜愛的設施,可以想像每個人一定是避之唯恐不及。但是一些社會性的設施,比如像是垃圾掩埋場、發電廠(特別是核能發電廠)、監獄這方面的設施,這類設施對社會來說,是重要且不可或缺的。所以,要如何能夠用一套適當的方式來設置這些設施,使其能夠對社會提供服務,又要使其對於設置當地帶來的影響達到最小,這是一項重要的議題。本篇文章承襲了Berman與Huang的研究,對於其所使用的數學模型之演進與觀念會有詳細的介紹;而在實驗分析的部分,提出使用GRASP方法來解決此類問題,並且與作者所提出的塔布搜尋法(Tabu Search),進行解的品質與所花的時間,這兩方面作比較。在犧牲掉時間的情形之下,解的品質可以比作者的方法更精進一些。主要目標是希望能夠進一步改善,解決此類問題的品質部分,同時,也希望藉由此研究,能夠帶進後續相關的深入探討,使得鄰避設施的設置問題,能夠更受到大家的重視。


鄰避設施 GRASP 塔布搜尋法


This article discusses the problem of siting undesirable facilities location. Undesirable facilities have special phenomenon toward the society. They provide services to the society but it has bad impacts on the region nearby. So, people want these facilities to be away from the population centers or communities. Berman and Huang proposed models to deal with the issue of siting undesirable facilities regarding the distance between facilities. Based on their research, we propose a GRASP heuristic to solve it. GRASP is a multi-start heuristic. It contains two phases: construction and local search phase. We compare our heuristic with their best method (tabu search). The experiment results are provided in this article. The results show that our approach demonstrates good quality of solution.


Undesirable facilities GRASP Tabu search


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