  • 學位論文


A Study on Waste Resouce Index - A Case Study on LCD Panel Industry

指導教授 : 章裕民


高科技快速發展使產品生命週期縮短,廢棄物大量的產生,使廢棄物處置已成為最重要的問題。本研究主要藉由廢棄物物理性質、化學性質及熱值進行分析,建立資源化評估指標四項,物質回收指標、能源回收指標、環境友善指標、成本效益指標,評估廢棄物是否適合資源化。以液晶面板產業A廠為例。 本研究結果,回收物質指標為0.89、能源指標為0.5、環境友善指標0.65、成本效益指標0.85,主要影響液晶面板產業A廠的關鍵因素,主要在於物質回收指標,若不考慮只重視單一指標下,整體環境影響效益高達0.699~0.807;若重視成本效益指標為主,不考慮只重視單一指標下,整體環境影響效益高達0.699~0.819;若同時注重質回收指標與成本效益指標,不考慮只重視單一指標下其整體環境效益指標為為0.803∼0.819。由上述得知,整體環境效益I值皆趨近於理想值I=1,說明A廠廢棄物適合回收資源化再利用。


The fast development of high-tech shortens the product life cycle, which leads to the generation of a lot of vast. As a result, waste treatment has become the most important problem. This research analyses from the physical property, chemical property and heat value of the waste to establish four recycling evaluation indexes, which include material recovery index, energy recovery index, environmentally friendly index and cost effectiveness index. These four indexes will be used to access whether the waste is suitable for resouce. The following will take A factory of liquid crystal display panel industry as an example. In the research result, material recovery index is 0.89, energy index 0.5, environmentally friendly index 0.65 and cost effectiveness index 0.85. The key factor that influences the factory of liquid crystal display panel industry is material recovery index. If the factory does not take the situation that pays attention to only one index into consideration, the overall environment influence efficiency can reach up to 0.699 to 0.807; when regard cost effectiveness index as the primary one, the overall environment influence efficiency reach up to 0.699 to 0.819; when simultaneously lay emphasis on recovery index and cost effectiveness index, the overall environment influence efficiency is 0.803 to 0.819. Conclusion can be drew from the above results that since the I value of all the overall environment effectiveness levels off to the ideal value 1, the waste in A factory is suitable for resouce.


Waste Resouce Waste Resouce Index


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