  • 學位論文


Enhanced CORBA for Inter-Organization Medical Information System

指導教授 : 劉立


國內醫療業界在醫藥分業實施後,基層診所與藥局、健保局、藥商四者間的跨組織活動開始萌芽,四者的合作互動使得醫藥分業的流程更完善,病人得到更佳品質的醫療照護。可是跨組織間的活動沒有資訊系統工具來輔助時,許多協調活動與資訊交換工作要花費大量資源才能完成。利用資訊代理人架構在網際網路上來發展醫藥分業跨組織醫療資訊系統,則可以讓診所與藥局能夠合作減低民眾就醫取藥的不便以及藥局藥品種類不足等現存問題。 現代物件導向的資訊技術已經相當的普遍與成熟,在這個網際網路時代,如何能夠跨越軟硬體平台讓網際網路上的物件可以達到開放共享的目標已成為資訊業界的一股趨勢。其中OMG所提出的公用物件請求仲介者架構(CORBA)即以網路為基礎的開放式物件運算架構。透過CORBA的技術可以讓組織與組織在網際網路上完成協調活動、資訊交換。但CORBA應用在跨組織醫療資訊系統上仍有不足之處。像醫療活動通常會依據病人病情的嚴重程度或療程調整優先處理的順序或是跨組織醫療活動進行的流程經常會因為組織間關係改變及病人醫療需要而有所不同,使得系統維護困難。 因為CORBA的COSS目前還沒有優先權排程與流程控制服務可利用,因此本論文提出擴充式的公用物件請求仲介者架構,增加優先權排程與流程控制服務在公用物件請求仲介者架構之中。以解決CORBA運用在跨組織醫療資訊系統之問題。並提出RACE模式概念,藉其與Enhanced CORBA搭配以建置醫藥分業策略資訊系統。促進基層診所與藥局的互動,讓國內基層醫療環境能提供國人更好的醫療照護。


After The separation of physician dispensing from medical practice in Taiwan. Between clinic and pharmacy is starting inter-organization activity. The collaboration of clinic and pharmacy will be promote the separation of physician dispensing from medical practice, patient can get healthcare better. But if no information system to help inter-organization activity, cooperate activity and message exchange will spend many resources. Object—oriented information technology is to bring up a long time. Now is a internet age, How to access shared object between different software perform on internet? It’s a trend in computer information industry now. OMG (Object Management Group) CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) is a open distribute object architecture. Use CORBA technology, We will be inter-organization activity between medical organization. But there are still some problem must to solve. One is medical activity need priority control to adjust the ordering of patient to take medical treatment, But CORBA services doesn’t have priority control service. Another is activities between medical organization are too complex and usually to make an alteration. So if we want to information system become springiness, must provide flow control service on CORBA. Because these problem as above, so our thesis to bring up enhanced CORBA. To add flow control services and priority control service on CORBA, try to solve the problem of inter-organization medical information system.


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