  • 學位論文


Extract of fruit from Luffa aegyptiaca for biomaterial

指導教授 : 蘇慶華


絲瓜 (Luffa aegyptiaca Mill)是台灣常見的蔬菜,為葫蘆科一年生的蔓性植物。果實呈圓筒。喜高溫和日照充分的氣候是夏季重要的蔬菜。絲瓜果實未熟時很柔軟可供蔬菜食用,老熟後纖維發達不能食用,但纖維可供洗浴的材料,而絲瓜水亦有養顏美容的效果。本實驗之目的是粹取絲瓜溶液做為生醫材料之傷口敷料 (wound dressing)。 將購自傳統市場之絲瓜,加上同體積的水混合以果汁機打碎,加入5%醋酸以水浴鍋加熱2個小時80 ℃,3600rpm離心並收集上清液,以1N的氫氧化鈉 (NaOH)將上清液ph值調至7.0左右。再以超微過濾(UF)將低分子粗分離。最後經冷凍乾燥後呈現深綠色粉末。取粉末5 mg分別加入2 M鹽酸 (HCl)或三氟醋酸 (trifluoroacetic)置入安培瓶 (ampule)並熔封,於100 ℃下作用5、10、15小時進行醣類水解,再將水解之產物以薄層液相色層分析法 (TLC)。利用Elson-Morgen reagent呈色後,結果顯示絲萃取物含有幾丁聚醣之單醣: glucosamine及N-acetyl-D-glucosamine。以高效能液相色層分析儀 (HPLC)分析絲瓜萃取物的分子量。傅氏紅外光譜 (MICRO FT-IR)分析之絲瓜醋酸萃取物,顯示與幾丁聚醣有相同的官能基。 利用直徑70厘米0.5公克的濾紙混合5公克的絲瓜萃取物及1公升的水,以果汁機均勻混合,使用布氏漏斗及抽氣瓶以抽氣法將產物瀝乾,經冷凍乾燥製膜。然後以8週齡、體重至少300g之大白鼠 (Wistar rats)做動物實驗,觀察促進傷口癒合之效果。先用麻醉劑將動物麻醉,再分別於脊髓兩側以施以全皮膚切除(full thickness wound)切兩個2 cm x 2 cm鏡相之傷口,再將絲瓜萃取物薄膜與SACCHACHITIN或紗布比較分別貼覆於傷口上,並於切除後第7、14、18、21、25天觀察癒合情形及傷口大小。結果顯示菜瓜萃取物薄膜與靈芝薄膜能促進傷口癒合(約25天癒合完全),較紗布(大於25天)快速。在組織切片上也可明顯看出絲瓜萃取物薄膜與靈芝薄膜比紗布更能幫助組織的復原。


絲瓜 幾丁聚醣 傷口癒合


Chitosan, a mucopolysaccharide having structural characteristics similar to glycosamines, is the alkaline deacetylated product of chitin, derived from the exoskeleton of crustaceans. It seems to be a biopolymer with a wide variety of biomedical and industrial applications. The purpose of this study is trying to find a new source of chitosan as biomaterial for wound haling. Luffa aegyptiaca is a common vegetable in Taiwan. We use fresh fruit as L. aegyptiaca as a material to investigate the potential of the vegetable as a wound dressing. L. aegyptiaca was been smashed, extracted, filtered, and lyophilized to make as a dressing. The dressing was hydrolyzed by 2M HCl or trifluoroacetic acid at 100°C for 5 hr. and then was analyzed by thin layer chromatography (TLC) as well as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Infrared spectrometry (FT-IR) of the membrane showed signal of amine group that characterized the structure of chotosan. The results indicated that L. aegyptiaca membrane contained glucosamine, the monomer of chitosan, visualized by Elson-Morgen reagent. HPLC show the molecular weight was about 1.2kDa. Finally, animal tests were carried out the ability of wound healing enhanced by the novel material. SACCHACHITIN was employed as positive control and the negative control is using cotton guage. The wound size and the healing progression was observed. In our results, L. aegyptiaca dressing showed significant diffence in the enhancement healing when compared to cotton gauge. In histological observations, we could see that L. aegyptiaca dressing was better than cotton guage in tissu healing. Base on the results, the L. aegyptiaca dressing could be an effective material for the wound dressing.


Luffa aegyptiaca chitosan wound healing


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