  • 學位論文


Dietary phosphorus to protein ratio analysis from the databases of food composition in Taiwan and comparison with USDA Food Composition Databases

指導教授 : 趙振瑞


為使慢性腎臟病人獲得適當的蛋白質攝取,同時達成控制飲食磷含量的目標,KDOQI建議參考食物的磷與蛋白質比值,但台灣目前缺乏較完整的相關資料,因此本研究希望提供本土食物的每份磷含量、磷與蛋白質比值資料供臨床工作者使用。研究方法以衛生福利部最新的台灣地區食品營養成份資料庫 (2015版) 為基礎,按照食物代換表分析常見食物的每份磷含量、磷與蛋白質比值,同時比較美國農業部食品成份資料庫 (United States Department of Agriculture Food Composition Databases) 的相同品項以提供更具參考價值的資料。結果顯示,台灣常見食物每份磷含量平均值乳品類為214.5 mg;豆魚肉蛋類的魚肉蛋類為73.1 mg,豆類與其製品 (含高蛋白麵製品) 為86.5 mg,高蛋白麵製品小於5 mg;全榖根莖類為37.8 mg,低蛋白澱粉類小於15 mg;油脂與堅果種子類為31.5 mg,烹調用油接近0 mg;蔬菜與水果類分別為41.3 mg與20.7 mg。全部的乳品類、雞蛋黃、豬腦、冷凍鱈魚丸、無糖豆漿及三角油豆腐是台灣資料庫中磷與白質比值較高的蛋白質來源食物,雞蛋白則是磷與蛋白質比值最低的蛋白質來源食物。台灣與美國的資料庫在部份植物性食品與加工食品呈現較大的含磷量差距。臨床工作者可將本研究結果應用於慢性腎臟病人的飲食計畫,粗估未經調整的一日飲食磷含量,再參考各類食物磷與蛋白質比值、每份食物磷含量挑選合適的食物,搭配符合個別化目標的控磷飲食。


Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) guidelines recommend the use of phosphorus to protein ratio for proper dietary protein intake and restriction of dietary phosphorus, but there’s lack of intact food phosphorus to protein ratio and phosphorus data in Taiwan. The objective of this study was to provide phosphorus to protein ratio and phosphorus content per serving of Taiwanese foods to clinical workers for further application. Phosphorus to protein ratio and phosphorus content per serving from the newest databases of food composition in Taiwan were analyzed and compared with those from the United States Department of Agriculture Food Composition Databases for more reliable references. The results showed that Taiwanese common food’s average phosphorus content per serving was 214.5 mg for milk and dairy products, 73.1 mg for fish, meat, poultry and egg, 86.5 mg for bean products (including high protein flour products), less than 5 mg for high protein flour products, 37.8 mg for cereals and starchy roots, less than 15 mg for low protein flour products, 31.5 mg for oils, fats and nuts, near 0 mg for cooking oil, 41.3 mg for fruits, and 20.7 mg for vegetables. All dairy products, egg yolk, pork brain, frozen codfish ball, sugar-free soy milk and oil-fried bean curd were high-protein foods with higher phosphorus to protein ratio, whereas egg white was a high-protein food with the lowest phosphorus to protein ratio. Phosphorus content in certain foods from plant foods and processed foods were remarkably varied between Taiwanese and American food databases. The data of this study can be a useful tool for assessing daily total phosphorus intake, and further for designing a personalized phosphorus-restricted diet with the reference of phosphorus to protein ratio to have appropriate dietary management in the patients with chronic kidney disease.


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