  • 學位論文


the zone expropriation feasibility evaluation study--example for taoyuan county zone expropriation

指導教授 : 李弘暉博士


區段徵收乃目前我國都市計畫整體開發方式第一選擇;所謂區段徵收係一財務自償的開發計畫,政府用以完成都市計畫理想,來達到公共建設用地取得、公共設施闢建、儲備土地等種種目標,並減輕政府的財政負擔。此一曾被視為解決土地問題萬靈丹的政策,最近卻每況愈下,當前有些區段徵收案例,例如台北縣淡海新市鎮的開發,因為土地處分不易,每日新台幣數百萬元的利息負擔,造成開發單位極大的財務壓力。早期供給取向的土地市場,如今已轉為需求取向,諸多整體開發案陷入困境,政府應該有所警覺,對於都市計畫整體開發,應由市場需求角度來評估。本研究擬由政策探討、政策評估面向,就現行區段徵收可行性評估階段各評估項目內容及執行情形加以分析,檢討有無改善之空間,並提出相關建言,供決策者參考。 本研究經由文獻回顧,佐以蒐集現況資料,不論對研究主題之量化資料分析或對部份資料進行質性評估。經由資料蒐集、文獻探討、現有統計資料分析到與個案比較研究,最後運用基本之歸納演繹理論,所得到之研究成果。 由本研究中發現,桃園縣的土地開發案例,在都市計畫階段,規劃者僅對開發結果抱持樂觀態度,對土地開發區段徵收可行性評估並不重視,或許當時評估技術不純熟,這讓開發案的推出好似在賭運氣;本研究建議區段徵收應由開發角度來規劃都市計畫,以都市開發為目標,都市計畫為手段,開發可行性評估才會確實;開發單位要有企業化及永續經營之精神,方有助於財務平衡目標的達成和提高政治可行性;要克服部門化流弊,則應組成專案小組負責推動,以減少橫向協調,提高行政可行性;可行性評估若公開徵詢意見,有利決策更理性,而透過法律鬆綁,修改抵價地比例下限規定,加上都市計畫規劃與地上物查估、公共工程設計同步辦理,可縮短辦理期程,減少時間成本,如此,當可提高區段徵收案效能與提升效率。


Zone Expropriation is the first selection of entirety develop way in our urban planning at present; the zone expropriation means: the financial self compensate development plan,the government use for complete the idea of urban planning to reach obtaining the earth for the public build, build the public installation, lay in land ext. various kinds target, and lighten the government’s financial burden. It even been considered as cure-all of policy for solve the land problem, but recently even more bad, today, there are some zone expropriation cases, due to the un-easy discipline of the land, it will burden the interest many million dollars everyday, and this cause very big finance pressure for the develop department. The land market has changed supply system direction to demand system, many entirety develop cases fall into difficult position, , the government should have some alertness. It should be evaluated from market demand perspective for the entirety develop of urban planning This study will plan approaching by the Government, the policyevaluation review from documentary. Collecting the current situation date analyze and compare with case study. For analyze each items content and execute situation of current zone expropriation feasibility evaluation stage, checking if there is some space for improve, and raised relative recommend, for the man who makes policy reference.


zone expropriation


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5. Kivell, P.(1993), Land and the city:patterns and processes of urban change, London and New York.
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