  • 學位論文


Advanced Semiconductor Process Equipment Control System Design

指導教授 : 王仲淳


本論文研究將依循半導體製程設備之機電特性及運轉需求,進行整體生產過程中生產流程及異常之監控,並導入知識管理的概念,將半導體製程設備之運轉流程作一系統性的研究,建立一個有效的專業知識庫。另一方面以彈性化及有效的方式,將半導體製程設備的任何變異問題作統一管理,並導入程式設計與測試,建立即時性的判斷與分析。藉以協助處理人員作最佳之判斷及決策,進而能將半導體製程設備導回生產,並能提高生產設備使用率及達到最佳之品質監控。 本論文主要研發方向是於依循SEMI standard (半導體協會標準) 所規範之SECS Protocol (Semiconductor Equipment Communication Standard Protocol)及半導體先進製程設備規範應用標準 (APC Framework Applications),攫取其中二項作本論文應用範圍,並加上個人之構思以應用知識管理的概念,來進行本論文之研究。論文研究主要應用及實際測試之對象為半導體蝕刻製程設備;此外,預期本系統之研究可以達到下列目標: 1. 提供生產設備異常狀態即時回報及處理決策分析,以期縮短處理時程。 2. 提供即時性之生產設備硬體參數,以確保產品品質,並可協助工作人員作故障排除及工程師製程研發參數。 本論文之研究將可進一步的使半導體廠之自動化生產達到更有效的控制和及時的反應,進而提昇產能及品質。


This thesis study attempts to establish a system to monitor and control the production flow and abnormal events based on the electrical characteristics and operational requirements of semiconductor production equipments. By involving knowledge management concept, it monitors the whole semiconductor equipment processing status and collects related impact factors during normal and abnormal status. Base on these research and analysis, we have established an effective knowledge management database and implemented the content concepts into the programs. This system can assist on site engineers to make optimum decision and recover the equipment back to production at an earliest possible time. Main functionality of the thesis follows the SECS protocol and APC framework applications of SEMI association. To achieve this target, we adapted two applications of APC framework with knowledge management concept, reducing equipment down time, and increasing productivity. For this study, we focus on the etching process equipment. In addition, we also want to achieve the following two goals: 1.To reduce equipment-recovered time by providing real time abnormal response and recommended solutions. 2.To assist on site handler to eliminate the problem or help process engineer to develop new process via the functionality or real time profile. This research can further assist automated production of semiconductor manufacturing to achieve more effective response solution, throughput and quality.


AEC APC HMM PMM SEMI standard APC Framework Applications


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