  • 期刊


Design and Development of Remote Monitoring and Diagnosing System for Semiconductor Cluster-Tools Equipment


本研究以三層式的架構為基礎,實際建立一個具網路遠端監控功能之半導體集束型設備晶圓輸送平台的遠端監控/診斷系統,以透過網際網路的方式來操作機械手臂的運作、監控晶圓輸送的程序;通過核准的使用者可以利用網頁瀏覽器在任何地方來進行機械手臂及設備運作的診斷、控制,並以視訊攝影機(CCD Camera)監視即時的設備運作情形。 本系統以Visual Studio.NET為開發工具,使用的程式語言包含ASP.NET、C#(C-Sharp)及ECMAScript等;並以TCP/IP的通訊協定進行客戶端、伺服端及設備端伺服器的通訊溝通;以RS-232的通訊協定進行設備端伺服器與設備的通訊溝通;以SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)通訊協定來進行客戶端與網頁伺服器之間的資料傳送;以SQL Server 2000來記錄與回應設備的訊息資料;以GDI+2D繪圖函式庫建構設備應用伺服器之虛擬設備的作動模擬;以CCD Camera進行遠端設備的監視;以SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)圖形進行客戶端的虛擬設備作動模擬。


On the basis of three-tier application (software) architecture, this study develops a remote monitoring and diagnosing system (RMDS) for semiconductor cluster-tools equipment in order to control robot and monitor wafer transport procedures remotely via Internet. The three-tier architecture of this system is described as: Client End, Server End, and Equipment End. With this system, through web browser anywhere, the approved client user can diagnose/control the operation of equipment and monitor the field real time frame from web CCD camera to achieve e-Diagnostics capabilities. In three-tier system of this study, which is based on Microsoft .NET platform, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET development tool is used to build system applications. In addition, the applied programming languages include ASP.NET,C#(C-Sharp),and ECMAScript. TCP/IP protocol is used to communicate between server end and client end. RS-232 protocol is used to communicate between equipment application server and equipment devices. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) protocol is used to deliver data between client end and web application server. GDI+ 2D graphics is applied to simulate virtual equipment at equipment application server. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) graphics is applied to simulate virtual equipment at client end. CCD camera is applied to monitor field equipment remotely.


Chang, S. W. (2013). 雙集結式機台包含重入流程之排程規劃 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.00064
