  • 學位論文


An XML-based Knowledge Management System of Workflow

指導教授 : 蔡介元


隨著網際網路的熱潮及電子資料交換技術的發展,企業電子化的腳步不斷的向前邁進,而為了提昇企業電子化營運的效率及競爭優勢,知識的累積與創新就成了企業所必須掌握的利基。目前,工作流程用於企業知識管理所面臨到的主要問題包括流程資料整合的不易、文件內容語彙關係的不明與存取控制的不便。因此,若能讓流程的資料格式與結構建立在一可交換與可重複使用的基礎上,並將領域知識整合進工作流程的文件中,再透過更完整的授權技術對文件內容的權限作管理,企業將更能落實工作流程中的知識的應用效率與一致性。 有鑑於此,本論文透過Java語言開發一工作流程系統,並以XML(可擴展標示語言,eXtensible Markup Language)資料作為流程文件交換與儲存格式的基礎,配合本體論(Ontology)的方法將企業內之組織、計劃、人員等不同知識領域所包含的概念種類及關聯特性整合進工作流程中。再以角色繼承的關係設計一授權(Authorization)管理機制,提供給使用工作流程系統之各部門人員一精確的文件存取控制。透過XML技術作為企業工作流程的基礎,不僅流程中的知識結構化地保留下來,也便於傳遞在各部門之異質系統間。另外藉由本體論與工作流程的整合,改善了部門間語彙差異的問題,讓文件中的資料得以一致的被運用,而文件資料語彙的定義明確,讓人員在搜尋知識時能更為正確便利與快速。並且工作流程系統之授權管理機制更提供文件一更精確與完善的存取保護。


With the rising popularity of the Internet and the EDI technology, many enterprises are investing resources to push forward electronic data management in their companies. It is found that most enterprises use the workflow system to enhance efficiency and consistency of knowledge management on electronic data management. However, several drawbacks of workflow system for knowledge management purpose have been identified. These drawbacks include integration of heavy data, implicit definition of vocabulary, and inflexible control of authentication access. Without a right way for conquering these drawbacks, the knowledge of enterprise is hard to be applied and reused effectively in workflow system. In this research, we develop an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) based workflow system to fulfill the need of current requirement. XML describes data in a well-defined structure format so that it is suitable for knowledge interchange in heterogeneous systems. To solve the problem of ambiguous vocabulary definition in an enterprise, ontology technology is embedded in our XML based workflow system. It represents relationship and property of several important organization concepts so that the accuracy of searching result in the workflow system can be dramatically increased. Meanwhile, to provide detail authorization access control for users, we propose an XML based authorization handler. With the handler, the knowledge can be shared in a more secured way. Our experiment shows that our XML based workflow system work well in terms of efficiency and consistency for knowledge management.


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