  • 學位論文


Development and Applications of A Precision CNC Controller

指導教授 : 李碩仁


CNC控制器在機械工業界及產業自動化領域中佔有極重要的地位,尤其 在工具機工業上更是不可或缺的重要單元。國內在工具機的製造上雖有不 錯的成績,但是於工具機控制器的選用上,幾乎都是仰賴外國進口。在控 制器製造的技術上,很明顯的,落後了先進國家一大截。間接地,失去了 許多產品競爭力。本研究以個人電腦為基礎,搭配『分散式即時控制網路 』架構,並採用在視窗(Windows)環境下執行的〞fPLC〞發展系統,發展 出一套非常具有彈性的PC-based CNC控制器。在伺服系統設計中,並深入 研究日本FANUC公司的控制器設計理念,將其獨特的控制技術,應用至本 系統中,作出一個性能可與之媲美的控制器。藉以提昇國內之控制器製造 技術。而且由於系統採模組式、開放式設計,不管在硬體配置維修及軟體 發展上,均可收事半功倍之效。另外在人機界面的處理上,充份發揮中文 視窗環境下豐富的圖型界面資源,設計出一與一般控制器完全不同的圖控 式操作環境。不僅完全中文化,且隨叫隨到的『線上說明』,更是突破所 有控制器刻板設計的一種新觀念。最後更以實際規劃、設計一『消散模切 削與量測機』之控制器,作為實際之驗證。


The CNC controller is the heart of automatic machinery and manufacturing automation industries. The precision and reliab- ility requirements of a CNC machine tool depends, especially, on it. With the strong manufacturing bases in Taiwan, the mac- hine tool makers can manufacture good mechanical parts. However , the lags in advanced control technology and weakness in rela- ted research and development result in importation of most of the CNC controller. It becomes an acute problem when implement- ation of automation technology and machinery has become an ess- ential means of promoting Taiwan''s global competitiveness. Therefore, the development of key CNC technology is vital to Taiwan''s future. Focus of this research is on the development of a PC-based CNC controller. It is developed under the PC environment with network-based real-time control structure and the real-time control system development package "fPLC"(a Windows application ). Special attention was paid on the design of servo control system. By studying the FANUC 0-M CNC controller, many powerful control functions were rediscovered. Many new CNC control algorithms were invented and implemented in this PC-based CNC controller. It was field tested and proven to have performed as good as other controllers. Because many control functions were software programmed by using the "fPLC" development system in stead of hardware implemented, the developed controller is user-friendly in human-machine interface , cost effective in hardware maintenance and extensible in future software development.


CNC controller fPLC Observer quadrant protrusion FANUC
