  • 學位論文

企業購併員工壓力管理之研究 - 以證券業為例

指導教授 : 李弘暉


由於企業員工的壓力直接影響到企業的產出與效能,因此最近幾年來,員工壓力管理已漸漸的成為企業管理中重要的課題,本論文主要探討證券業員工面對來自於近來如火如荼的購併案以及行業特性所產生的壓力,身為管理人該如何面對證券業購併的員工壓力以及證券業員工之壓力管理,以制定最佳管理決策。 本研究以寶來證券150位員工之問券回收表,進行分析研究,從購併案壓力因子,到證券業員工壓力因子,進而到員工壓力管理策略等,進行變異數與相關分析。 研究發現購併案對於證券業員工會產生會壓力者佔全體樣本68%,而購併案對員工造成壓力因子主要為領導風格的不確定性;福利的不確定性以及組織變動的不確定性。研究同時發現,證券業員工對於證券業各變數因子會產生會壓力者佔全體樣本89%,顯示出證券業員工存有相當程度的壓力。 本論文研究主要有以下幾個結論: 1. 研究顯示證券業員工面對購併所產生的壓力因子,主要為領導風格的不確定性、公司福利政策的不確定性、組織變動的不確定性以及裁員等。 2. 證券業購併對員工所產生的壓力解決管理策略主要因子,主要有公司有良好的願景、組織與員工的溝通以及組織對員工的承諾等。 3. 研究顯示證券業員工壓力因子主要有公司升遷、獎金制度不佳;個人績效問題;客戶賠錢問題;客戶開拓問題;會議或活動太多;主官的領導風格以及個人專業能力不足等。 4. 壓力解決管理策略主要因子為領導人對員工之激勵與鼓舞;公司有良好之遠景;透過休閒或運動;公司獎金制度合理化以及領導人公司內部之溝通與協調。 5. 研究顯示證券業女性員工的壓力比男性員工的壓力來的高,而證券業男性員工比起女性員工,較能靠自己以休閒運動等方式解決自身的壓力。 6. 研究發現績效的好壞與員工參與高之領導者有顯著關係,分析中發現員工參與程度高,則績效愈差。 7. 以任務導向以及依法行事的領導人,雖易造成員工壓力,但員工所獲的的滿足感卻較高。 8. 研究發現,證券業會對公司產生抱怨的員工、對領導者產生抱怨的員工以及會對同事產生抱怨的員工與績效均無顯著關係。 證券業員工相對於其他行業所受的壓力來的高,尤其是女性員工,面對來自行銷、業績與家庭的種種壓力,身為管理人尤需加以鼓勵與諒解。此外,由於證券業員工須隨時了解日新月異的新金融商品,對於專業知識的需求壓力自然也隨時在增加,管理者更須隨時協助員工客戶開發與專業之需求。研究發現任務導向以及依法行事的領導人,雖易造成員工壓力,但員工所獲的的滿足感卻較高,而且在這種高專業需求的服務工作中,證券業員工參與程度愈高,則績效反而愈差,尤其值得管理者仔細斟酌與拿捏。 面對著證券營業人員的壓力管理,在公司方面,爭取公司升遷、獎金制度的合理化、透明化,讓從業人員有奮鬥的目標與方向,在管理者方面,則需要費心的溝通協調與激勵鼓舞,畢竟員工的鬥志與士氣,是業績成長的最大動力所在,尤其證券業新金融商品種類繁多,在職訓練與終身學習更是員工專業能力及服務客戶的最大保證。


Recently, Stress Management has become an important topic in business manage- ment. The level of job stress in a workplace can directly influence the performance and productivity of a company. This thesis is emphasized in the stress management of securities employees including the stress management of M&A (mergers and acquisitions) employees. This study shows that 68% and 89% of employees suffer from stress in the M&A and securities jobs respectively. The empirical data includes questionnaires from 150 Polaris Securities Company employees. By statistical analyzing, the major results are obtained: 1. The major factors contributing to job stress in securities employees of M&A are uncertainty of leading styles, uncertainty of company support programs, uncertainty of organizational change and lay off employees….etc. 2. The major factors of stress mitigation in securities employees of M&A are new company has a great future, advance communication with employees and following the promises to the employees….etc. 3. The major factors contributing to job stress in securities employees are personal performance anxiety, office promotions, a lack of company support programs, customer investment loss and the need to attract new customers ….etc. 4. The major factors of stress mitigation of securities employees are company support programs, office promotions, and a manager who provides advice and encouragement. 5. Female employees are more susceptible to job stress than male employees. Male employees are better able to alleviate job stress by themselves than female employees. 6. This research found that manager permit securities employees who participate in establishing the company’s policy, will positively influence performance. 7. Securities employees will be satisfied in their jobs, if the manager strictly follows the company’s policy. On the other hand, an employee-oriented manager leads less satisfied employees. 8. This study found no relationship between employee performance and employees who complain about company policy, complain about management or complain about colleagues. According to the conclusions of the study, managers must have a better understanding of their female employees concerns. Female employees are more susceptible to job stress caused by work and family. Moreover, securities work is lower hierarchical work. Managers need to provide job training and assist employees in attracting new customers. It is necessary for the manager to strictly follow the company’s policy, and at the same time be aware of the employees needs. To help alleviate job stress in securities employees, a manager should, first strive to the benefit of promotion and welfare. Next, it is important that the manager have a clear understanding of the employees needs, and provide appropriate advice and encouragement. Finally, on the job training should be provided to help employees better serve their customers.


M&A job stress employee-oriented stress management


53.Abraham H. Maslow, Deborah C. Stephens, Gary Heil, Maslow on Management”, Ann R. Kaplan, 1998。
54.Beehr, T. A., and Newman, J. E., Job stress, employee health and organizational effectiveness, A fact analysis, model and literature review, Personnel Psychology, 31, 665-699. 1978。


蔡豔如(2004)。台灣金融業合併之人事政策、人際互動行為與員工心態反應關係之研究 —被併公司員工認知的觀點〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200400590
