  • 學位論文


Organizational Gene Theory and Organizational Change- A Study Based on Taipei Bank

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


組織變革影響著組織內部的架構與流程的改變,組織架構決定了組織內部的階層及回報與授權機制、流程決定了組織的功能性以及對於不確定因素的反應能力。 組織變革的相關研究中,在組織內部構面的研究上多採用機械式的觀點,強調在變革過程中的關鍵成功因素,並試圖將這樣的經驗紀錄與傳承,以期能夠學習甚至套用在未來的組織變革中。但組織最主要的組成份子是人,對於組織內部的觀察卻缺少有機的的觀點,從生物的角度來觀察組織,變革過程中,不強調關鍵成功因素的移植,而是重視適應性。 在生物界,每種生物的體內都有著的基因,基因決定了蛋白質的合成,也造成生物體機能上以及外觀特徵上的改變。透過環境不斷變異的淘汰機制,能夠存活下來的生物不一定是具有最強大力量的,但一定是最能適應環境的,這是動植物進化的原動力,也正是達爾文演化論的中心思想。 本研究將企業組織類比為生物,當面臨環境變異時,組織採取配合的變革,所造成內部基因的創新、變異、淘汰,我們試著去區隔出組織的基因,並觀察其對組織的影響好壞,以及基因在組織內部的延續性。透過這樣的觀察,建立一個有機式觀點來檢視組織的變革過程,並試圖利用此觀點來解釋組織變革過程中所發生的種種現象。


Both internal structure and process of an organization are influenced by organizational change. Since the organizational structure dominate the hierarchical level and report and authority mechanism. And the process dominate the functionality and the capability of response to uncertainty of the organization. In the researches related to organization change, the internal investigation of the organization usually hold the mechanical point of view. This point of view emphasis on the critical success point, and attempt to record and share these successful experience in the organizational change in the future. Although the organization is mainly composed by human, there is no organic view when surveying from the internality of the organization. The organic view does not emphasis on the copy of critical success point but on the acclimation. All living things have gene in them to dominate how protein created. This also makes all the living things have different characteristics. Through the elimination of environment, the surviving species may not hold the strongest power but absolutely most acclimation. This is the power of evolution and also the core part of Darwin’s law. This research mimic organization as being. When facing environmental change, organization must adopt proper response. This action make organizational gene change. We try to create a new organic view to survey organization and compare the new theory with traditional view to find out if it is more adequate or not.


財政部金融局(2000),金融業務統計輯要第279 期。
蕭長瑞(2000),銀行企業之整合與跨業購併,律師雜誌9 月號:5-16。


