  • 學位論文


A Study on Organizational Gene Engineering and Organizational (Cultural) Change — Based on Ex-Mayor Chen Shui-Bian’s Taipei Experience

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


引進新的高階主管常是許多組織的變革手段,本研究主要目的乃在於透過生物科技上基因工程的理論觀點來觀察一組織中在引入新基因(高階主管)時,對於該組織所產生的影響及改變。藉著基因的論點來達到更精準的瞭解到組織(文化)是如何變遷、以及可能的未來方向為何,本研究提出一套組織基因工程理論,而主要研究範圍則在理論中關於基因殖入的部分。透過meta-analysis、個案研究、以及次級資料蒐集分析的方式,本研究深入瞭解台北市政府在陳水扁市長未進入市府前與進入市府後所呈現出截然不同的組織文化特色,並以此個案來驗證基因殖入的可行性與有效性。 根據meta analysis與次級資料蒐集分析的研究結果,在組織改變的外顯部分,可以很清楚的發現到員工的工作心態上改變最為明顯。市府內部的員工從七十九年的對於行政程序感到僵化以及以個人為中心,到八十八年時轉變成非常重視工作的效率、在意自己的工作表現。 在組織改變的內部流程部分,從個案訪談中也發現因為陳前市長透過任用市府團隊以及長期培養之國會助理的方式,將個人的理念導入市府的各個角落當中,成功地轉變公務單位員工官為官的心態而成為民服務的心態,使市府整體呈現出比以往更重效率,更積極的態度。從內部流程與外顯特質上,我們都可以很清楚的看出,市府呈現出與陳前市長個人相當一致的特質。如此,正好驗證了基因工程在組織理論的適用性與可行性。同時,吾人可以藉基因工程科學性的操作探究組織操控未來變遷的方向。


The goal of this research is to study the organizational change by applying the idea of the prevailing genetic engineering theory. It is generally known that the easiest and common practice to implementing an organizational change is by hiring a new executive. Meta-analysis and case study are the main research methods. We chose Taipei City Government to be the case for our study, we want to examine the organizational and cultural changes under the former Mayor Chen Shui-Bian. According meta-analysis on three previous studies, we found that employees in Taipei City Government were egocentric in 1990, and paid much attention to work performance in 1999. In the internal processes, we found Mayor Chen changed the organizational atmosphere by staffing both the heads and the assistants with his people. Finally, we found the attitude of the employees in Taipei City Government were changed and became more leaning to Mayor Chen’s. We showed the genetic engineering theory’s applicability and practicability. We were able to provide a scientific examination on the organizational change under the idea of genetic engineering.


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