  • 學位論文


Amalgamation Of The Research Coutry , Town, City.-Take Tao-Yuan City, Lu-Chu Coutry As An Example.

指導教授 : 郭文忠博士 徐學忍博士


我國台閩地區目前的行政區域劃分大部分承襲日據時代制度,依照當時之人文歷史、自然環境、政治因素、人口分佈、生活習慣及交通情形而劃分,而自民國三十九年實施地方自治以來,五十年來行政區劃幾乎很少變動。但由於目前都會區的快速發展、交通建設的進步,造成城鄉、區域人口分布不均,再加上全球國際化競爭、資訊科技的發達、政黨政治生態等的外在環境因素改變下,依照以往傳統條件劃分的各級行政區域,卻長期未做整體的檢討與調整,已不合時宜,因而導致行政資源浪費與效率低落,實有檢討、改善之必要。 本研究即針對我國台閩地區現行行政區劃的現況,依據學者的論述主張、專家的見解,運用相關資料蒐集分析、文獻分析與比較、法制研究、比較研究及個案分析等方法,以行政區劃、地方政府、組織再造、政府再造為理論基礎,綜合各方論述與主張,加以歸納分析整理,從各方面探討鄉鎮市合併之問題、合併可能預見之阻力與優、缺點,進而提出行政區劃應有的做法及合併案的相關配套措施,藉此供相關單位未來推動合併案時之參考。


Divide the majority and adopt the system according to era on day in the present administrative division of area of Fujian of Taiwan of our country, divide according to the humanity history , natural environment , political factor , population distribution , habits and customs and traffic situation at that time, and since implemented local autonomy in the 39th year of the Republic of China, the administrative division has nearly been seldom changed over the past 50 years. But because the progress of fast development of the knowing area , traffic construction at present, cause in urban and rural areas , regional population maldistribution, in addition, under global internationalized competition , development , external environmental factor , party politics of ecology ,etc. , information of science and technology change, according to the administrative division at all levels where the traditional condition was divided in the past , but had not done the self-criticism and adjustment of the whole for a long time, already unseasonable, therefore cause administrative resources to waste with efficiency low, there is necessity of making a self-criticism , improving in fact. This research is directed against the present situation of the current administrative division of area of Fujian of Taiwan of our country promptly, advocate according to the scholar''s argumentation, the expert''s opinion, use the relevant materials to collect analysis , document analysing and comparing , such methods as legal system research , comparative research and case are analysed, give a new lease of life to administrative division , local government , organization , the government makes for the theoretical foundation again, the comprehensive each side expounds the fact and advocates, sum up and analyse and put in order , probe into the obstruction which may be predicted in question , amalgamation that the village and town city amalgamates and excellent , shortcoming from every side, and then propose the due method of administrative division and relevant supplementary measure of the annexation incident, reference when for the relevant unit to promote the annexation incident in the future by this.


