  • 學位論文


Computer Aided Control System Design

指導教授 : 黃英哲


本篇論文旨在以電腦數學軟體MATLAB幫助自動控制課程之學習與設計。 內容分為模型、分析、設計三部分,每章均包含實例及詳細說明。國內 這方面中文資料尚屬貧乏,故本論文參考大學控制課程教科用書,將書 中適合以電腦輔助學習、設計的單元作系統化安排,。並參考相關中英 文文獻,整合其中精華,舉例並作詳細步驟說明,範例中使用MATLAB V5 語法,在MATLAB中實際操作,並附程式結果與圖形。內容已完整涵蓋大 學自動控制課程理論,可作為電腦輔助實習教材。若配合教科書妥善運 用本篇論文,相信對自動控制課程學習者的理論增強定有幫助。


This thesis is intended to help undergraduates analyze and design automatic control systems by using the numerical software, MATLAB. The motive is to fulfill the need of Chinese material, so that it can help students bridge the gap existing between theoretical interests and practical applications. The thesis comprises three parts: modeling, analysis, and design. Each chapter contains brief theory introduction and detailed examples. Through consulting various undergraduate automatic control textbooks, and reference manuals and books of MATLAB, suitable topics and contents are selected and organized. Relative examples are written to show the efficiency of proposed methods. These examples, using MATLAB Version 5 environment syntax, include the results and figures from the program. The material covered in the thesis is broad enough to satisfy the need of undergraduate student''s education in the automatic control course.


1.Kuo, Benjamin C. and Hanselman, Duane C., MATLAB Tools for Control System Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall, 1994.
2.Saadat, Hadi, Computational Aids in Control Systems Using MATLAB, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
4.Ogata, Katsuhiko, Solving Control Engineering Problems with MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 1994.
6.Shahian, Bahram and Hassul, Michael, Control System Design Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 1993.
8.李新洲,深入MATLAB 4.X for Windows ,碁峰,1996。
